2023-05-11 19:52
  • 董汉松
  • 董汉松 - 教授 博导-南京农业大学-植物保护学院-个人资料




1982年本科毕业于山东农业大学植物保护系,获得农学学士学位;1985年7月研究生毕业于南京农业大学植物保护系,获得农学硕士学位;1988年4月博士研究生毕业于南京农业大学植物保护学院,获得农学博士学位。1988年4月至1996年12月在山东农业大学植物保护系工作,1993年9月到12月,副研究员;1994年2月到1996年12月,研究员、教授。1997年2月到2000年7月,美国康乃尔大学(Ithaca, NY)植物病理学系访问学者(Visiting Scholar)、客座教授(Visiting Professor)。2000年7月起,南京农业大学植物保护学院,教授。2000年8月至2001年2月,2002年8至9月,2008年8月,2010年11月至2011年6月,康乃尔大学植物病理学系客座教授。
政府特殊津贴(国务院授, 2002)、江苏省“青蓝工程”培养对象(江苏省教育厅选, 2000)、第五届中国青年科技奖(中共中央组织部、国家人事部、中国科协授, 1996)、国家教委科技进步二等奖(植物诱导抗性研究,1996,排名1/6)、国家科委科技进步一等奖(烟草病害调查研究,1996,排名4/9)、山东省新长征突击手(共青团山东省委授, 1993)、山东省优秀青年教师(中共山东省高教工委授, 1992)、第二届山东省青年科技奖(山东省科协授, 1992)、山东省省优秀青年知识分子(山东省人民政府所属四个部门授, 1992)




B.-B. Lü, X.-J. Li, W.-W. Sun, L. Li, R. Gao, Q. Zhu, S.-M. Tian, M.-Q. Fu, H.-L. Yu, X.-M. Tang, C.-L. Zhang* and H.-S. Dong. 2012. AtMYB44 regulates resistance to the green peach aphid and diamondback moth by activating EIN2-affected defenses in Arabidopsis. Plant Biology (in press)
Benliang Deang and Hansong Dong*. 2012. Ectopic expression of riboflavin-binding protein gene TsRfBP paradoxically enhances both plant growth and drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation DOI 10.1007/s00344-012-9285-5
Baoyan Li, Rong Gao, Runzhi Cui, Beibei Lü, Xiaojie Li, Yanying Zhao, Zhengzheng You, Shuangmei Tian and Hansong Dong*. 2012. Tobacco TTG2 quells resistance to pathogens by sequestering NPR1 from nuclear localization. Journal of Cell Science
Peiqing Liu, Feng Sun, Rong Gao, and Hansong Dong*. 2012. RAP2.6L overexpression delays waterlogging induced premature senescence by increasing stomatal closure more than antioxidant enzyme activity. Plant Molecular Biology DOI 10.1007/s11103-012-9936-8.
Suling Sang, Xiaojie Li, Rong Gao, Zhenzhen You, Beibei Lü, Peiqing Liu, Qixiang Ma, and Hansong Dong*. 2012. Apoplastic and cytoplasmic location of harpin protein Hpa1Xoo plays different roles in H2O2 generation and pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 79: 375-391.
Hongsheng Cai, Shan Tian, and Hansong Dong*. 2011. Large scale in silico identification of MYB family genes in wheat expressed sequence tags. Molecular Biotechnology 52: 184-192.
Hongsheng Cai, Shan Tian, Changlai Liu, and Hansong Dong*. 2011. Identification of a MYB3R gene involved in drought, salt and cold stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Gene 485: 146-152.
Haojie Shi, Runzhi Cui, Baishi Hu, Xiaomen Wang, Shuping Zhang, Ruoxue Liu, and Hansong Dong*. 2011. Overexpression of transcription factor AtMYB44 facilitates Botrytis infection in Arabidopsis. Physiology and Molecular Plant Pathology 76: 90-95.
Benliang Deng, Sheng Deng, Feng Sun, Shujian Zhang, and Hansong Dong*. 2011. Down-regulation of free riboflavin content induces hydrogen peroxide and a pathogen defense in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant Biology 77: 185-201.
Chunling Zhang, Haojie Shi, Lei Chen, Xiaomeng Wang, Beibei Lü, Shuping Zhang, Yuan Liang, Ruoxue Liu, Jun Qian, Weiwei Sun, Zhenzhen You, and Hansong Dong*. 2011. Harpin-induced expression and transgenic overexpression of the phloem protein gene AtPP2-A1 in Arabidopsis repress phloem feeding of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae. BMC Plant Biology 2011, 11:11.
Beibei Lü, Weiwei Sun, Shuping Zhang, Chunling Zhang, Jun Qian, Xiaomeng Wang, Rong Gao, and Hansong Dong*. 2011. HrpNEa-induced deterrent effect on phloem feeding of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae requires AtGSL5 and AtMYB44 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Biosciences 36: 127-137.
Lijun Sun, Haiying Ren, Ruoxue Liu, Baoyan Li, Tingquan Wu, Feng Sun, Huimin Liu, Xiaomeng Wang, and Hansong Dong*. 2010. An h-type thioredoxin functions in tobacco defense responses to two species of viruses and an abiotic oxidative stress. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23: 1470-1485.
Ruoxue Liu, Lei Chen, Zhenhua Jia, Beibei Lü, and Hansong Dong*. 2010. Transcription factor AtMYB44 regulates induced expression of the ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 gene in Arabidopsis responding to a harpin protein. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 24: 377-389.
Ruoxue Liu, Beibei Lü, Xiaomeng Wang, Chunling Zhang, Shuping Zhang, Jun Qian, Lei Chen, Haojie Shi and Hansong Dong*. 2010. Thirty-seven transcription factor genes differentially respond to a harpin protein and affect resistance to the green peach aphid in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biosciences 35: 435-450.
L.J. Sun, S.P. Qu, H.M. Liu, Z.H. Jia and H.S. Dong*. 2010. The application of HrpNEa protein to roots alleviates severity of soft rot in Chinese cabbage. Plant Disease 94: 1141-1147.
Feng Sun, Peiqing Liu, Jue Xu, Hansong Dong. 2010. Mutation in RAP2.6L, a transactivator of the ERF transcription factor family, enhances Arabidopsis resistance to Pseudomonas syringae. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 74: 295-302.
Zhenhua Jia, Baohong Zou, Xiaomeng Wanga, Jian Qiu, Hong Ma, Zhenhua Gou, Shuishan Song, and Hansong Dong*. 2010. Quercetin-induced H2O2 mediates the pathogen resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 396: 522-527.
Wu T, Guo A, Zhao Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Zhao D, Li X, Ren H, and Dong H*. 2010. Ectopic expression of the rice lumazine synthase gene contributes to defense responses in transgenic tobacco. Ectopic expression of the rice lumazine synthase gene contributes to defense responses in transgenic tobacco. Phytopathology 100:573-581.
Wang Y, Liu R, Chen L, Wang, Y, Liang YC, Wu X, Li B, Wu J, Liang Y, Wang X, Zhang C, Wang Q, Hong X, and Dong H*. 2009. Nicotiana tabacum TTG1 contributes to ParA1-induced signalling and cell death in leaf trichomes. J. Cell Sci 15: 2673−2685.
Chen L, Qian J, Qu S, Long J, Yin Q, Zhang C, Wu X, Sun F, Wu T, Beer SV, and Dong H*. 2008. Identification of specific fragments of HpaGXooc, a harpin protein from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, that induce disease resistance and enhanced growth in rice. Phytopathology 98: 781-791.

