2023-05-10 19:36
  • 郭春雨
  • 郭春雨 - 教授 硕导 博导-哈尔滨工程大学-船舶工程学院-个人资料




郭春雨,男,1981年10月出生于安徽省蚌埠市,博士,某国防基础加强计划首席科学家、国家万人计划“青年拔尖人才”,担任哈尔滨工程大学青岛研究(生)院(青岛创新发展基地)副院长、船舶与海洋工程国家级实验教学示范中心主任、舰船总体性能跨尺度测试分析团队负责人。2003年本科毕业于哈尔滨工程大学,2007年博士毕业于哈尔滨工程大学,2007-2009年上海交通大学博士后学习。研究成果已应用于首型三体舰船在内的多型舰艇的研制中,为解决国家装备研制任务提供了有力支撑。作为项目负责人和技术负责人承担军委科技委基础加强计划重点基础研究项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国防基础科研计划重点项目等 40 余项。获国防科技进步一等奖、海洋工程科学技术发明一等奖、国防科技进步三等奖、黑龙江省技术发明三等奖、国家级教学成果二等奖、黑龙江省高等教育省级教学成果二等奖等奖励。2019 年获“黑龙江省优秀教师”荣誉称号。 在《Ocean Engineering》、《Marine Structures》、《Ships and Offshore Structures》、《Applied Ocean Research》等学术期刊上发表论文 170余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者被 SCI 检索 60 余篇、EI 检索 50余篇。授权国家发明专利 39 项、获得软件著作权 17 项、在科学出版社等出版著作及教材共 6 部。
1、某基础加强计划重点基础研究项目,XX结构强度及安全性研究,2018-01 至2022-12,650万元,主持
1、Chun-yu Guo*,Wen-ting Hu,Sheng Huang. Using RANS to simulate the interaction and overall performance of propellers and rudders with thrust fins. J. Marine. Sci. Appl. (2010) 9: 323-327. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-010-1015-4.
2、Jie Gong, Chunyu Guo*, Chao Wang, Nhan Phan-Thien, Boo Cheong Khoo. Full scale simulations of the external and internal flow fields for a waterjet-propelled ship. The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2019). Singapore.2019.
3、Sheng Huang,Xiang-yuan Zhu,Chun-yu Guo*,Xin Chang. CFD simulation of propeller and rudder performance when using additional thrust fins. J. Marine. Sci. Appl. (2007) 6: 27-31.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-007-7023-3.
4、Tie-cheng Wu,Chun-yu Guo*,Wan-zhen Luo,Jie Gong,Yong-ze Xu, Wen-xuan She. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE WAKE FIELD OF A 76000 DWT PANAMAX BULKER BASED ON SPIV. The 5th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’17). Glasgow, UK, 2017, 320-330.
5、CHANG Xin, ZOU Jing-xiang, HUANG Sheng, GUO Chun-yu. Influence on the hydrodynamic performance of a variable vector propeller of different rules of pitch angle change. J. Marine. Sci. Appl. (2007) 6(4): 32-36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-007-7029-x.
6、Tie-cheng Wu, C.Y. Guo*, W.Z. Luo, J. Gong, Y.Z. Xu, W.X. She. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Wake Field of a 76000 DWT Panamax Bulker, in: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Methods, 8th ICCM, Scientech Publisher, Guilin, 2017: 813–820.
7、Jie Gong, C.Y. Guo*, T.C. Wu, K.W. Song, J.F. Lin. Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow Field Characteristics for a Ducted Propeller. in: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Methods, 8th ICCM, Scientech Publisher, Guilin, 2017: 729–736.
8、Tiecheng Wu, Chunyu Guo*, Wanzhen Luo, Jie Gong, Wenxuan She.CFD Predictions of Resistance and Viscous Flow Field around Ships for the JAPAN Bulk Carrier (JBC) without an Energy Saving Device. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics. Keelung, China Taiwan, 2017, NO.350
9、Wan-zhen Luo, Chun-yu Guo*, Tie-cheng Wu, Yu-min Su. Experimental Research on the Resistance and Motion Attitude Variation of Ship-wave-ice Interaction in Marginal Ice Zones. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics. Keelung, China Taiwan, 2017, NO.464
10、Lianzhou Wang, Chunyu Guo*, Zuotian Zhang, Yumin Su. Study on the Flow Field between the Main- and Demi-Hull of a Trimaran. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics. Keelung, China Taiwan, 2017, NO.466
11、Jie Gong, Chunyu Guo*, Kewei Song, Tiecheng Wu, Zhe Guo. A CFD-based Comparative Study for Open and Ducted Propeller. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics. Keelung, China Taiwan, 2017, NO.318
12、Tian Liu, Chun-yu Guo*, Hao-hao Hao. The Analysis of Nominal Wake Flow Characteristics in Short Wave. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics. Keelung, China Taiwan, 2017, NO.467
13、Liyu Ye, Chunyu Guo, Chao Wang, Chunhui Wang. Peridynamic Simulations on Propeller-Ice Impact. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Port and Engineering under Arctic Conditions. Delft, The Netherlands, 2019.
14、Shuai Sun, Yimin Gao, Chunyu Guo, Chao Wang, Yuan Zhang. Mutual Interference of Propeller Bearing Force Caused by Propeller Distribution. Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors. Italy, 2019.
1、船舶与海洋工程卓越创新人才培养模式改革与实践研究 黑龙江省教改项目
2、双一流建设中的实验室管理与运行机制研究 哈尔滨工程大学教改项目
3、精细流场测量方法在实验教学中的探索与建设 哈尔滨工程大学教改项目
4、专业特色鲜明的科研成果融入实验教学 哈尔滨工程大学教改项目
5、虚拟船舶交互实验平台建设研究与实践 哈尔滨工程大学教改项目
6、船模水动力性能虚拟实验教学系统 哈尔滨工程大学教改项目
[1] 郭春雨; 张佐天; 曹绪祥; 赵大刚; 新型抗涡激振动仿生立管.专利号:ZL201610532847.3.
[2] 郭春雨; 谷双泰; 赵大刚. 船舶仿生螺旋桨.专利号:ZL201210519265.3.
[3] 郭春雨; 姜慧; 赵大刚. 一种仿生螺旋桨.专利号:ZL201520073744.6.
[4] 郭春雨; 豆鹏飞; 景涛; 赵大刚. 一种吊舱试验的推力扭矩测量装置.专利号:ZL201520074202.0.
[5] 郭春雨; 豆鹏飞; 赵大刚; 黄超. 吊舱推进系统试验装置.专利号:ZL201410134459.0.
[6] 郭春雨; 吴铁成; 马良; 孙瑜. 仿鱼形襟翼式船舵装置. 专利号:ZL201310286716.8.
[7] 郭春雨; 马良; 吴铁成; 赵大刚.水池清淤系统.专利号:ZL201210519391.9.
[8] 郭春雨; 胡文婷; 常欣; 黄胜; 于凯. 基于舵球式推力鳍的船舵装置.专利号:ZL201010235336.8.
[9] 郭春雨; 赵晓东; 赵大刚; 周广利.船舶海洋结构物运动及阻力测试装置.专利号:ZL201210135336.X.
[10] 郭春雨; 徐佩; 王恋舟; 骆婉珍; 田太平; 宋妙妍. 一种水池船模压载调配装置.专利号:ZL201710500755.1.
[11] 郭春雨; 徐佩; 骆婉珍; 吴铁成; 王帅; 景涛; 宋妙妍; 田太平. 一种冰区船舶试验拖曳装置. 专利号:ZL201710239779.6.
[12] 郭春雨; 徐佩; 骆婉珍; 吴铁成; 王恋舟; 田太平; 宋妙妍.一种船舶实水域破冰试验方法. 专利号: ZL201710173634.0.
[13] 郭春雨 ; 徐佩 ; 骆婉珍 ; 吴铁成 ; 张承森 ; 宋妙妍 ; 田太平.一种模型冰投放及收集装置. 专利号 : ZL 201710589247.5
[14] 郭春雨; 徐佩; 骆婉珍; 吴铁成; 王帅; 景涛; 宋妙妍; 田太平.一种模型冰推送装置, 专利号: ZL201710239778.1.
[15] 郭春雨 ; 徐佩 ; 孙守超 ; 骆婉珍 ; 田太平 ; 宋妙妍. 一种水池船模运输装置. 专利号 : ZL201710501638.7
[16] 郭春雨 ; 徐佩 ; 田太平 ; 骆婉珍 ; 张承森. 一种水池船模辅助调平装置. 专利号 : ZL 201710739489.8
[17] 郭春雨 ; 徐佩 ; 张承森 ; 骆婉珍 ; 田太平. 一种融冰池. 专利号 : ZL 201710837766.9
[18] 郭春雨; 林健峰 ;曹绪祥; 魏少鹏; 龚杰; 景涛; 宋科委; 佘文轩. 多功能船模方向校准装置. 专利号: ZL 201710094815.4.
[19] 郭春雨 ; 林健峰 ; 魏少鹏 ; 曹绪祥 ; 龚杰 ; 振前 ; 林洪志 ; 孙守超. 一种船模拖曳水池辅助消波装置. 专利号 : ZL 201710094777.2
[20] 郭春雨 ; 林健峰 ; 赵大刚 ; 龚杰 ; 曹绪祥 ; 景涛 ; 盖利莹. 一种船模试验模型的天平连接装置. 专利号 : ZL 201710894120.4
[21] 周广利 ; 振前 ; 郭春雨 ; 曹绪祥 ; 林健峰 ; 景涛 ; 魏少鹏 ; 郭航 ; 王瀚林 ; 佘文轩 ;一种带波浪形尾缘的T型翼. 专利号 : ZL 201710793378.5
[22] 马勇; 郭春雨; 田永安; 李凤来; 周广利; 由世洲.船模拖曳水池拖车轨道清洁装置.专利号: ZL201010173076.6.
[23] 龚杰; 郭春雨; 林健峰; 吴铁成; 曹绪祥; 宋科委; 魏少鹏. 适用于导管桨的微气泡降噪装置.专利号: ZL201710108093.3.
[24] 龚杰; 郭春雨; 吴铁成; 林健峰; 宋科委; 景涛.一种适用于泵喷推进潜艇的微气泡降噪装置.专利号:ZL201710237476.0.
[25] 龚杰 ; 郭春雨 ; 宋科委 ; 吴铁成 ; 景涛 ; 林健峰. 一种可调式多轴喷水推进船模推进轴系分动装置. 专利号 : ZL 201710502483.9.
[26] 王超; 公朴; 郭春雨; 常欣; 于凯; 程相茹; 华佳; 黄胜.一种仿生耦合船用舵. 专利号 : ZL201220260718.0.
[27] 常欣; 程相茹; 郭春雨; 王超; 于凯; 导缘凹凸螺旋桨. 专利号: ZL201220216946.8.
[28] 王超; 常欣; 郭春雨; 黄胜; 于凯; 齐向阳; 张海鹏; 马伟佳. 吸喷结合式船用襟翼舵. 专利号 : ZL201120222339.8.
[29] 马勇; 张亮; 郭春雨; 周广利; 由世洲; 李凤来.船模重量、重心及转动惯量测量与调节装置. 专利号 : ZL201010191378.6.
[30] 王超; 郑小龙; 常欣; 郭春雨; 黄胜; 于凯. 一种组合式节能轴支架装置. 专利号: ZL201410117103.6.
[31] 马良; 李凤来; 马勇; 郭春雨; 徐际; 任选其; 李鹏. 水中粒子投放装置. 专利号: ZL201310009316.2.
[32] 周广利; 马勇; 闫桂荣; 郭春雨; 由世洲; 李凤来. 缆拖式船模阻力试验装置. 专利号 : ZL201310000881.2.
[33] 常欣; 程相茹; 王超; 郭春雨; 于凯. 导缘凹凸风机. 专利号 : ZL201220216971.6.
[34] 常欣; 程相茹; 王超; 郭春雨; 于凯; 孟祥印; 黄胜. 一种具有导边突起的船用舵. 专利号 : ZL201120097443.9.
[35] 王超; 常欣; 于凯; 郭春雨; 黄胜; 齐向阳; 张海鹏; 马伟佳. 阻力可控型船用舵. 专利号 : ZL201020659014.1.
[36] 马勇; 由世洲; 周广利; 郭春雨. 一种规则波生成研究和教学用水槽. 专利号 : ZL201010101913.4.
[37] 马勇; 由世洲; 周广利; 郭春雨.一种三体船模型试验调节架. 专利号 : ZL201010032428.6.
[38] 苍岩; 陈春雨; 郭春雨; 尹凤鸣; 苗瑞; 吴铁城; 阳秋光. 一种基于立体视觉高精度波浪浪高测量方法. 专利号 : ZL201510447921.7.
[39] 邓锐 ; 高子予 ; 李超 ; 郭春雨 ; 马勇 ; 周广利 ; 由世洲 ; 杨衡 ;一种高速船消波减阻及航态优化装置. 专利号 : ZL201710388842.2.

1、 船舶绕流场精细测试和分析技术 科学出版社
2、 特种推进器及附加整流装置 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
3、 桨舵干扰性能预报的理论与方法 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
4、 Fluent船舶流体力学仿真计算工程应用基础 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
5、船用舵球--涡轮水动力特性浅析 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
6、现代大型水面舰船 哈尔滨工程大学出版社




[1] Chunyu Guo, Hang Guo, Jian Hu*, Kewei Song, Weipeng Zhang, Wei Wang. Large Eddy Simulation of Flow over Wavy Cylinders with Different Twisted Angles at a Subcritical Reynolds Number [J], Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(227): 1-25.
[2] Chun-Yu Guo, Pei Xu, Chao Wang*, Wei-Peng Xiong, Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Ice Blockage on Propeller Hydrodynamic Performance [J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019:1-19. 0 WOS: 000455782800001
[3] Chun-yu Guo, Tie-cheng Wu, Wan-zhen Luo, Xin Chang*, Jie Gong, Wen-xuan She. Experimental study on the wake fields of a Panamax Bulker based on stereo particle image velocimetry [J], Ocean Engineering, 2018, 165: 91-106, 0 WOS:000446287400008
[4] GUO Chun-yu*, ZHANG Zuo-tian, TIAN Tai-ping, LI Xia-yan, ZHAO Da-gang. Numerical Simulation on the Resistance Performance of Ice-Going Container Ship Under Brash Ice Conditions [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2018, 32(5): 546-556, 0 WOS:000445740500005
[5] GUO Chun-yu(*), XIE Chang, ZHANG Jin-zhao, WANG Shuai, ZHAO Da-gang. Experimental Investigation of the Resistance Performance and Heave and Pitch Motions of Ice-Going Container Ship Under Pack Ice Conditions [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2018, 32(2): 169-178, 0 WOS:000431507900005
[6] Guo Chun-yu*, Wu Tie-cheng, Zhang Qi , Wan-zhen Luo,Yu-min Su. Numerical simulation and experimental studies on aft hull local parameterized non-geosim deformation for correcting scale effects of nominal wake field [J], Brodogradnja, 2017, 68(1):77-96. 1 WOS:000401022200005
[7] GUO Chun-yu*, WU Tie-cheng, ZHANG Qi, GONG jie. Numerical simulation and experimental research on wake field of ships under off-design conditions [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2016, 30(5): 821-834, 2 WOS: 000385242500013.
[8] GUO Chun-yu*, ZHAO Da-gang, SUN Yu. Numerical simulation and experimental research on hydrodynamic performance of propeller with varying shaft depths [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2014, 28(2): 271-282, 3 WOS:000335328600011
[9] GUO Chun-yu*, HU Wen-ting, YANG Chen-jun, MA Ning. Research of Podded Propulsors with Varied Geometry in Viscous Flow [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2010, 24(04): 693-708, 2 WOS:000286567600009
[10] GUO Chun-yu*, YANG Chen-jun, MA Ning. RANS Simulation of Podded Propulsor Performances in Straight Forward Motion [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2008, 22(04): 663-674. 5 WOS:000266089100011
[11] GUO Chun-yu*, MA Ning, Yang Chen-jun. Numerical Simulation of a Podded Propulsor in Viscous Flow [J], Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2009, 21(1): 71-76, 15 WOS:000265703800009
[12] Chunyu Guo, Tian Liu, Haohao Hao, Xin Chang*. Evolution of water column pulled by partially submerged spheres with different velocities and submergence depths [J], Ocean Engineering, 2019.
[13] GUO Chun-yu, XU Pei, WANG Chao*, KAN Zi. Numerical and Experimental Study of Blockage Effect Correction Method in Towing Tank [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2019.
[14] GUO Chun-yu, XU Pei, WANG Chao*, WANG Lian-zhou, ZHANG Cheng-sen. Influence of Ice Size Parameter Variation on Hydrodynamic Performance of Podded Propulsor [J], China Ocean Engineering, 2019.
[15] Chunyu Guo, Hang Guo, Lichao Liu and Jian Hu *.Impact of a liquid square on a rigid plate[J], China Ocean Engineering, 2019.
[16] Chun-yu Guo, Xu Wang,Chunhui Wang, Haipeng Zhang.Research on Calculation Methods of Ship Model Self-Propulsion Prediction [J], Ocean Engineering, 2020.
[17] Jie Gong, Chun-yu Guo*, Ke-wei Song, Tie-cheng Wu. SPIV measurements and URANS simulations on the inlet velocity distribution for a waterjet-propelled ship with stabiliser fins [J], Ocean Engineering, 2019, 171: 120-130. 2 WOS: 000459235600011
[18] Jie Gong, Chun-yu Guo*, Chao Wang, Tie-cheng Wu,Ke-wei Song. Analysis of waterjet-hull interaction and its impact on the propulsion performance of a four-waterjet-propelled ship [J],Ocean Engineering, 2019,180: 211-222. 0 WOS: 000468252500018
[19] Ke-wei Song, Chun-yu Guo*, Chao Wang**, Jie Gong, Ping Li. Investigation of the influence of an interceptor on the inlet velocity distribution of a waterjet-propelled ship using SPIV technology and RANS simulation [J], Ships and Offshore Structures, 2019,1-15. 0 WOS: 000463543300001
[20] Chao Wang, Kaiqiang Weng, Chunyu Guo*, Lang Gu**. Prediction of hydrodynamic performance of pump propeller considering the effect of tip vortex [J], Ocean Engineering, 2019, 171: 259-272. 0 WOS: 000459235600023
[21] L.Y. Ye, C.Y. Guo*, C. Wang**, C.H. Wang, X. Chang. Strength assessment method of ice-class propeller under the design ice load condition [J], International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2019, 11:542-552. 0 WOS: 000458100000045
[22] Jie Gong, Chun-yu Guo*, Da-gang Zhao, Tie-cheng Wu, Ke-wei Song. A comparative DES study of wake vortex evolution for ducted and non-ducted propellers [J], Ocean Engineering, 2018, 160: 78-93, 0 WOS:000442844600008
[23] Lianzhou Wang, Chunyu Guo*, Pei Xu, Yumin Su. Analysis of the performance of an oscillating propeller in cavitating flow [J], Ocean Engineering, 2018, 164: 23-39 0 WOS:000441854900003
[24] Luo Wan-zhen, Guo Chun-yu*, Wu Tie-cheng, Xu Pei, Su Yu-min. Experimental study on the wake fields of a ship attached with model ice based on stereo particle image velocimetry [J], Ocean Engineering, 2018, 164: 661-671, 0 WOS:000441854900053
[25] Lianzhou Wang, Chunyu Guo*, Yumin Su. Numerical analysis of flow past an elliptic cylinder near a moving wall [J], Ocean Engineering, 2018, 169: 253-269, 0 WOS:000449242100019
[26] Wan-Zhen Luo, Chun-Yu Guo*, Tie-Cheng Wu, Yu-Min Su. Experimental research on resistance and motion attitude variation of ship-wave-ice interaction in marginal ice zones [J], Marine Structures, 2018,58: 399-415, 0 WOS:000430758900022
[27] Ke-wei Song, Chun-yu Guo*, Jie Gong, Ping Li, Lian-zhou Wang. Influence of interceptors, stern flaps, and their combinations on the hydrodynamic performance of a deep-vee ship [J], Ocean Engineering, 2018, 170: 306-320. 2 WOS: 000452571100025
[28] Lian-Zhou Wang, Chun-Yu Guo*, Yu-Min Su, Tie-Cheng Wu. A numerical study on the correlation between the evolution of propeller trailing vortex wake and skew of propellers [J], International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2018, 10(2: )212-224, 2 WOS:000429079700009
[29] Jie Gong, Chun-Yu Guo*, Tie-Cheng Wu, and Ke-Wei Song. Numerical Study on the Unsteady Hydrodynamic Performance of a Waterjet Impeller [J],Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 151-163, 0 WOS:000422738000014
[30] Lian-Zhou Wang, Chun-Yu Guo*, Lei Wan , Yu-min Su. Numerical Analysis of Propeller During Heave Motion Near a Free Surface [J], Marine Technology Society Journal, 2017, 51(1): 40-51, 1 WOS:000396298100006
[31] Jie Gong, Chun-yu Guo*, Tie-cheng Wu, Da-gang Zhao. Particle image velocimetry measurement of velocity distribution at inlet duct of waterjet self-propelled ship model, Journal of Hydrodynamics [J], Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, 29(5): 879-893, 0 WOS:000410464200016
[32] Lianzhou Wang, Chunyu Guo*, Yumin Su, Pei Xu, Tie-Cheng Wu. Numerical analysis of a propeller during heave motion in cavitating flow [J], Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 66: 131-145, 1 WOS:000405973800010
[33] Dagang Zhao, Chunyu Guo*, Yumin Su, Lianzhou Wang, Chao Wang. Numerical Study on the Unsteady Hydrodynamic Performance of a Four-Propeller Propulsion System Undergoing Oscillatory Motions [J],Journal of Coastal Research 2017, 33(2): 347-358, 0 WOS: 000397355700011
[34] Dagang Zhao, Chunyu Guo*, Yumin Su. Hydrodynamic Performance of Ichthyoid Rudder at Different Rudder Angle Settings [J],Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 32(5): 1184-1195, 1 WOS:000383303700018
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7、《Hydro Science & Marine Engineering》编委

