2023-05-06 12:00
  • 欧阳杰
  • 欧阳杰 - 副教授 硕导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




1999.1-2000.5 天津春发食品配料有限责任公司,R&D
2000.9-2004.2 中国科学院过程工程研究所生化工程国家重点实验室,博士生
2009.8-2010.8 麻省理工学院(MIT)化学系,访问学者
2004.3-今 北京林业大学生物学院食品科学与工程系


1.诱导肉苁蓉种子产生愈伤组织并分化出芽的方法. 专利号:ZL02117657.4
4. 用于培育肉苁蓉愈伤组织的悬浮细胞培养系的构建方法.专利号:ZL200310113090.7
5. 增加花色苷类色素稳定性的醚化分子修饰方法. 专利号:ZL200610140838.6
6. 一种酶法水解从植物原料中提取水溶性类胡萝卜素的方法. 专利号:ZL201210185041.3

1. 主持第44批“留学回国人员科研启动基金”资助项目“类胡萝卜素在细胞内稳定的生理学基础及其应用研究” 2012-2015
2. 参加北京市科委科技创新基地培育与发展工程——林业食品加工与安全北京市重点实验室2012年度阶梯计划项目(Z121106002812037)2012-2013
3. 主持“建立食品中偶氮类合成色素的快速检测方法”(北京市财政“分析测试方法创新”实验室建设项目)2009-2011
4. 主持横向合作项目“咸菜小包装产品延长保质期的研究”;2011-2013
5. 参加国家自然科学基金项目“高粱陈醋甲醇提取物抗血小板聚集的分子机制(31071524) 2010-2012
6. 参加863计划“益生菌定向筛选与功能开发关键技术”(2008AA10Z335) 2008-2010"



Fan Hou, Xianhe Shi, Qian Li, Shuangshuang Xie, Yanwen Wu, Jie Ouyang*. Nutritional quality of Chinese chestnut and effect of cooking on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2016, accepted
Dan Zhou, Lin Li, Yanwen Wu, Junfeng Fan, Jie Ouyang*. Salicylic acid inhibits enzymatic browning of fresh-cut Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) by competitively inhibiting polyphenol oxidase. Food Chemistry, 2015, 171:19-25.
Bingning Li, Haixia Wang, Qiaojiao Zhao, Jie Ouyang*, Yanwen Wu*. Rapid detection of authenticity and adulteration of walnut oil by FTIR and fluorescence spectroscopy: A comparative study. Food Chemistry, 2015, 181:25-30.
Qiaojiao Zhao, Weiwei Zhang, Yanwen Wu, Jie Ouyang*. Extraction techniques and stability of carotenoprotein from carrot (Daucus carota L.) root. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2015, 38:290-298
Jiao Lv, Yuan Zhao, Jianzhong Wang, Jie Ouyang, Fengjun Wang*. Effects of environmental factors on functional properties of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) protein isolates. European Food Research and Technology. 2015, 240(3): 463-469
Jie Cui, Xin Gu, Fenjun Wang, Jie Ouyang, Jianzhong Wang*. Purification and structural characterization of an α-glucosidase inhibitory polysaccharide from apricot (Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam.) pulp. Carbohydrate Polymer. 2015, 121:309-314.
Jie Cui, Xin Gu, Qiaohui Zhang, Yangjie Ou, Jianzhong Wang*. Production and anti-diabetic activity of soluble dietary fiber from apricot pulp by Trichoderma viride fermentation. Food & Function. 2015, 6(5):1635-42.
Ruzhen Zhan, Jian Wu, Jie Ouyang*. In Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Sodium Zinc, Iron Chlorophyllin from Pine Needles. Food Technology and Biotechnolgy, 2014, 52(4):505-510
Na Hu, Xin Gu, Luning Li, Jie Ouyang, Fengjun Wang, Jianzhong Wang*, Zhiyong Fan. Synthesis and Evaluation of Microstructure of Phosphorylated Chestnut Starch, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2014, 37(1):75-85
Boyan Liu, Jie Ouyang, Xiaofan Yuan*, Liwei Wang, Bing Zhao. Adsorption properties and preparative separation of phenylethanoid glycosides from Cistanche deserticola by use of macroporous resins. Journal of Chromatography B, 2013, 937:84-90.
Bryan B. Hsu, Jie Ouyang, Sze Yinn Wong, Paula T. Hammond, Alexander M. Klibanov*. On structural damage incurred by bacteria upon exposure to hydrophobic polycationic coatings. Biotechnology letters, 2011, 33(2): 411-416.
Yan-Wen Wu,Jie Ouyang,Xiao-He Xiao,Wen-Yuan Gao,Yi Liu. Antimicrobial Properties and Toxicity of Anthraquinones by Microcalorimetric Bioassay. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2006, 24:45-50
Jie Ouyang, Xiao-dong Wang, Bing Zhao, Yu-chun Wang*. Improved production of phenylethanoid glycosides by Cistanche deserticola cells cultured in an internal loop airlift bioreactor with sifter riser. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2005, 36(7):982-988.
Jie Ouyang, Xiao-dong Wang, Bing Zhao, Yu-chun Wang*. Enhanced production of phenylethanoid glycosides by precursor feeding to cell culture of Cistanche deserticola. Process Biochemistry, 2005,40(11):3480-3484.
Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, Bing Zhao, Xiaofan Yuan, Yuchun Wang*. Effects of rare earth elements on the growth of Cistanche deserticola cells and the production of phenylethanoid glycosides. Journal of Biotechnology, 2003, 102(2): 129-134.
Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, Bing Zhao, Yuchun Wang*. Light intensity and spectral quality influencing the callus growth of Cistanche deserticola and biosynthesis of phenylethanoid glycosides. Plant Science, 2003, 165(3): 657-661.
Jie Ouyang, Xiao-dong Wang, Bing Zhao, Yu-chun Wang*. Formation of phenylethanoid glycosides by Cistanche deserticola callus grown on solid media. Biotechnology Letters, 2003, 25 (3): 223-225.
Jie Ouyang, Xiao-dong Wang, Bing Zhao, Yu-chun Wang*. Effects of Ag-carrying Zirconium Phosphate on the Kinetics of Growth of the Roots of Culture Artemisia annua. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2003, 45(2):136-139.
1. 反式脂肪酸,化工工业出版社,2015, 副主编
2. 食品微生物学实验指导,中国轻工业出版社,2007,参编
3. 生物技术与食品加工,化学工业出版社,2005,参译
1. 中华人民共和国国家标准 食品添加剂 辣椒红(GB 10783-2008)

