  • Henderson,JoelM.
  • Henderson,JoelM. - 助理教授-波士顿大学-个人资料



Wyss HM, Henderson JM, Byfield FJ, Bruggeman LA, Ding Y, Huang C, Suh JH, Franke T, Mele E, Pollak MR, Miner JH, Janmey PA, Weitz DA, Miller RT. Biophysical properties of normal and diseased renal glomeruli. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2011 300:C397-405.
Brown EJ, Schlöndorff JS, Becker DJ, Tsukaguchi H, Uscinski AL, Higgs HN, Henderson JM, Pollak MR. Mutations in the formin gene INF2 cause focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Nat Genet. 2010; 42:72-6.
Henderson JM, Alexander MP, Pollak MR. Distinctive features of glomerular injury in patients with ACTN4 mutations. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009; 20:961-8.
Xiao C, Srinivasan L, Calado DP, Patterson HC, Zhang B, Wang J, Henderson JM, Kutok JL, Rajewsky K. Lymphoproliferative disease and autoimmunity in mice with increased miR-17-92 expression in lymphocytes. Nat Immunol. 2008; 9:405-14.
Henderson JM, al-Waheeb S, Weins A, Dandapani SV, Pollak MR. Mice with altered alpha-actinin-4 expression have distinct morphologic patterns of glomerular disease. Kidney Int. 2008; 73:741-50.
Henderson JM, Alexander MP, Pollak MR. Distinctive features of glomerular injury in patients with ACTN4 mutations. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009; 20:961-8.
Xiao C, Srinivasan L, Calado DP, Patterson HC, Zhang B, Wang J, Henderson JM, Kutok JL, Rajewsky K. Lymphoproliferative disease and autoimmunity in mice with increased miR-17-92 expression in lymphocytes. Nat Immunol. 2008; 9:405-14.
Henderson JM, al-Waheeb S, Weins A, Dandapani SV, Pollak MR. Mice with altered alpha-actinin-4 expression have distinct morphologic patterns of glomerular disease. Kidney Int. 2008; 73:741-50.
Pollak MR, Alexander MP, Henderson JM. A case of familial kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007; 2:1367-74.
Mistry K, Ireland JH, Ng RC, Henderson JM, Pollak MR. Novel mutations in NPHP4 in a consanguineous family with histological findings of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2007; 50:855-64.
Pao LI, Kong-Peng L, Henderson J, Kutok J, Alimzhanov M, Nitschke L, Thomas ML, Neel BG, Rajewsky K. B cell-specific Shp1 deletion promotes B-1a cell development and causes systemic autoimmunity. Immunity. 2007; 27:35-48.
Sever S, Altintas MM, Nankoe SR, Möller CC, Ko D, Wei C, Henderson J, Kretzler M, Cohen C, del Re E, Erickson A, Kerjaschki D, Rudensky A, Nikolic B, Reiser J. Proteolytic processing of dynamin by cytoplasmic cathepsin L defines a mechanism for proteinuric kidney disease. J Clin Invest. 2007; 117:2095-104.
Carrasco DR, Sukhdeo K, Protopopova M, Sinha R, Enos M, Carrasco DE, Zheng M, Mani M, Henderson J, Pinkus GS, Munshi N, Horner J, Ivanova EV, Protopopov A, Anderson KC, Tonon G, DePinho RA. The differentiation and stress response factor XBP-1 drives multiple myeloma pathogenesis. Cancer Cell. 2007; 11:349-60.
Humphreys B, Vanguri V, Henderson J, Antin J. Minimal change nephrotic syndrome and acute renal failure after vaccination in a hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipient. Nat Clin Pract Nephrol. 2006; 2:535-9.
Habicht A, Clarkson MR, Yang J, Henderson J, Brinkmann V, Fernandes S, Jurewicz M, Yuan X, Sayegh MH. Novel insights into the mechanism of action of FTY720 in a transgenic model of allograft rejection: implications for therapy of chronic rejection. J Immunol. 2006; 176:36-42.
Tatli S, Yucel EK, Couper GS, Henderson JM, Colson YL. Aneurysm of an aberrant systemic artery to the lung. Am J Roentgen. 2005; 184(4):1241-4.
Humphreys BD, Sharman JP, Henderson JM, Clark JW, Marks PW, Rennke HG, Zhu AX, Magee CC. Gemcitabine-associated thrombotic microangiopathy. Cancer. 2004; 100(12):2664-70.
Yao J, Le TC, Kos CH, Henderson JM, Allen PG, Denker BM, Pollak MR. Alpha-actinin-4-mediated FSGS: an inherited kidney disease caused by an aggregated and rapidly degraded cytoskeletal protein. PLoS Biol. 2004; 2(6):787-94.
Taylor EN, Henderson JM, Rennke HG, Magee CC. Traumatic calcinosis cutis in a dialysis patient. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004; 44(2):e6-9.
Kos CH, Le TC, Sinha S, Henderson JM, Kim SH, Sugimoto H, Kalluri R, Gerszten RE, Pollak MR. Mice deficient in alpha-actinin-4 have severe glomerular disease. J Clin Invest. 2003; 111(11):1683-90.

