2023-05-22 15:46
  • 孙东豪
  • 孙东豪 - 副教授-苏州大学-材料与化学化工学部-个人资料




The synthesis and electrical properties of highly conductive polyaniline/polyvinyl alcohol composite films, D. H. Sun, J. Li, Synthetic Fibre, 1998, 2, 13.
Preparation and characteristics of PPy/SF conductive composites, D.H. Sun, Silk, 2009, 4, 13.
Study of the preparation, structure and properties of silk fibroin gel, D. H. Sun, Z. Y. Wu, J. P. Sun, J. of Textile research, 2003, 2, 12.
Surface modification of anionic polyurethane with silk fibroin peptide and its effects on thecCulture of fibroblasts, D. H. Sun, Z. Y. Wu, M. Z. Li, L. Bai, W. H. Sheng, J. of Donghua University, 2007, 6, 695.
Silk fibroin-modified poly(butadiene) urethane films and their effects on fibroblast viability, D. H. Sun, Z. Y. Wu, M. Z. Li, L. Bai, W. H. Sheng, J. of Donghua University, 2008, 6, 680.
Physico-Chemical properties of a water-insoluble silk fibroin film, D.H. Sun, J.Z. Hu, L.X. Dai, M.Z. Li, L. Bai, J. of Donghua University, 2010, 4, 566.
Synthesis and characterization of polyaniline Micro/nanotubes doped with trifluoroacetic acid, J.Z. Hu, D. H. Sun, L.X. Dai, L.Bai, J. of polymer materials sci. 2011, 4, 121.

