2023-05-16 12:20
  • 王彩霞
  • 王彩霞 - 教授 博士生导师-中国海洋大学-海洋与大气学院-个人资料











王彩霞博士积极开展和深化与国际领先研究所大学的科研合作,目前有实际科学研究合作的单位包括:与美国WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 研究所在内波实验方面进行合作、与加拿大UBC (University of British Columbia) 大学在内波观测和实验方面合作、与英国UCL (University of College London) 大学在内波理论方面合作、与葡萄牙University of Porto大学在内波遥感方面进行合作等。课题组与国际前沿研究所和大学的同行专家在海洋内波领域建立了长期稳定的合作研究关系,并已有实质性合作的研究成果,在内波研究等相关领域合作发表多篇SCI 收录的国际期刊论文。

1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,41576021,近表面大振幅非线性内波的观测与实验研究,2016/01 – 2019/12,85万,在研,主持 。




Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals (2011-present):

1. Wang, C.*, X. Wang, J.C.B da Silva, 2019. Studies of Internal Waves in the Strait of Georgia Based on Remote Sensing Images, Remote Sens. 11(1), 96, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11010096.
2. Li, L., R. Pawlowicz, and C. Wang*, 2018. Seasonal variability and generation mechanisms of nonlinear internal waves in the Strait of Georgia, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans. 123, 5706-5726, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JC013563.

3. Wang, C.* and R. Pawlowicz, 2017, Internal wave generation from tidal flow exiting a constricted opening, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 110–125, doi:10.1002/2016JC011765.
4. Li, Y., Wang, C.*, Liang, Ch., Li, J., Liu,W., 2016, A simple early warning method for large internal solitary waves in the northern South China Sea, App. Ocean Res., DOI: 10.1016/j.apor.2016.11.002.
5. Grimshaw, R., Wang, C.*, and Li, L., 2016. Modelling of polarity change in a nonlinear internal wavetrain in Laoshan Bay. Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0136.1.
6. Li, L., Wang, C.*, and Grimshaw, R., 2015. Observation of internal wave polarity conversion generated by a rising tide, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL063870.
7. Tang, Q., Wang, C., Wang, D. & Pawlowicz, R, 2014. Seismic, satellite, and site observations of internal solitary waves in the NE South China Sea. Sci. Rep. 4, 5374; DOI:10.1038/srep05374.
8. Wang, C.* and Rizzoli, P., 2014. Diagnosis of physical and biological controls on phytoplankton in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region using an adjoint data assimilation approach, J. Ocean Univ. China. Vol. 13(3).
9. Wang, C.* and Rizzoli, P., 2014. Diagnosis of physical and biological controls on phytoplankton distribution in the Sargasso Sea, J. Ocean Univ. China. Vol. 13(1).
10. Wang, C.* and Pawlowicz, R., 2012. Oblique wave-wave interactions of nonlinear near-surface internal waves in the Strait of Georgia. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, Vol. 117.
11. Wang, C.* and Pawlowicz, R., 2011. Propagation speeds of strongly nonlinear near-surface internal waves in the Strait of Georgia. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, Vol. 116.
12. Ding, Y.; Yu, H.; Bao, X.; Kuang, L.; Wang, C.; Wang, W., 2011, Numerical study of the barotropic responses to a rapidly moving typhoon in the East China Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 61(9), pp 1237-1259.
13. Wang, S., Chen, L., Yang, J., Wang, C., Jian, M., & Lin, L., et al., 2016. Ocean internal waves features extraction by analysis of aerial oblique photography. IGARSS 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp.1202-1205). IEEE.
14. 苏梦,王彩霞*,陈旭,2017. 均匀流过地形生成内波的实验探究,海洋湖沼通报,5期,ISSN 1003-6482,pp1-8。
15. 王欣隆;魏岗;杜辉;谷梦梦;王彩霞, 2016. 海洋内孤立波斜相互作用的Mach效应特性实验, 科学通报, Z1期, pp 529-535.
16. 王欣隆;魏岗;杜辉;谷梦梦;王彩霞, 2015. 分层流体中内孤立波Mach相互作用的实验研究, 第二十七届全国水动力学研讨会文集(上册),p 6.
17. 王振霄,王彩霞*,2019.基于遥感图像的南海北部内孤立波及相互作用研究,海洋与湖沼,5期,ISSN 0029-814X,pp958-970.
18. 杜砚冰,王彩霞*,苏 梦,2019.内孤立波过凹陷地形的实验探究,海洋与湖沼, 第5期,ISSN 0029-814X,pp972-978.
19. 于晓东,王彩霞*,2019. 内孤立波反射和相互作用的实验探究,海洋湖沼通报,6期,ISSN 1003-6482.

