2023-05-11 21:20
  • 李勇男
  • 李勇男 - 教授 博导-南开大学-物理科学学院-个人资料




教育经历 2002/9 – 2007/7,南开大学,物理科学学院,博士 1998/9 – 2002/7,南开大学,物理科学学院,学士 工作经历 2015/1 – 2017/2, 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,访问学者 2015/1 – 至 今, 南开大学,物理科学学院,教授,博士生导师 2010/1 – 2014/12, 南开大学,物理科学学院,副教授,硕士生导师 2007/7 – 2009/12, 南开大学,物理科学学院,讲师


1. Lu, JQ; Li, PP; Wang, D; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Extending optical filaments with phase-nested laser beams,” Photonics Research 6, 1130-1136 (2018) 2. Li, PP; Cai, MQ; Lu, JQ; Wang, D; Liu, GG; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Unveiling of control on the polarization of supercontinuum spectra based on ultrafast birefringence induced by filamentation,” Journal of The Optical Society of Ameraca B-Optical Physics (JOSA-B) 35, 2916-2922 (2018) 3. Lu, JQ; Li, PP; Wang, D; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Control on helical filaments by twisted beams in a nonlinear CS2 medium,” Optics Express 26, 29527-29538 (2018) 4. Liu, R; Kong, LJ; Wang, ZX; Si, Y; Qi, WR; Huang, SY; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Two-Photon Interference Constructed by Two Hong-Ou-Mandel Effects in One Mach-Zehnder Interferometer,” Chinese Physics Letters 35, 090303 (2018) 5. Zhao, MD; Gao, XZ; Pan, Y; Zhang, GL; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Image encryption based on fractal-structured phase mask in fractional Fourier transform domain,” Journal of Optics 20, 045703 (2018) 6. Gao, XZ; Pan, Y; Zhao, MD; Zhang, GL; Zhang, Y; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Focusing behavior of the fractal vector optical fields designed by fractal lattice growth model,” Optics Express 26, 1597-1614 (2018) 7. Gao, XZ; Pan, Y; Zhang, GL; Zhao, MD; Ren, ZC; Tu, CG; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Redistributing the energy flow of tightly focused ellipticity-variant vector optical fields,” Photonics Research 5, 640-648 (2017) 8. Kong, LJ; Liu, R; Si, Y; Wang, ZX; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Time-resolved multiple imaging by detecting photons with changeable wavelengths,” Chinese Optics Letters 15, 081101 (2017) 9. Kong, LJ; Si, Y; Liu, R; Wang, ZX; Qi, WR; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Robust Ghost Imaging Based on Degenerate Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion,” Chinese Physics Letters 34, 054206 (2017) 10. Li, YN; Ren, ZC; Kong, LJ; Tu, CH; Wang, HT*, “Trajectory-based unveiling of the angular momentum of photons,” Physical Review A 95, 043830 (2017) 11. Si, Y; Kong, LJ; Zhang, Y; Ren, ZC; Pan, Y; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Spatial-Variant Geometric Phase of Hybrid-Polarized Vector Optical Fields,” Chinese Physics Letters 34, 044204 (2017) 12. Pan, Y; Gao, XZ; Ren, ZC; Wang, XL; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Arbitrarily tunable orbital angular momentum of photons,” Scientific Reports 6, 29212 (2016) 13. Si, Y; Kong, LJ; Li, YN*; Tu, CH; Wang, HT*, “Ghost Imaging with High Visibility Using Classical Light Source,” Chinese Physics Letters 33, 034203 (2016) 14. Ren, ZC; Qian, SX; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Focal shift in tightly focused Laguerre–Gaussian beams,” Optics Communications 334, 156-159 (2015) 15. Li, YN; Ren, ZC; Qian, SX; Tu, CH; Wang, HT*, “Analytical formulae of tightly focused Laguerre–Gaussian vector fields,” Journal of Optics,16,105702 (2014) 16. Qian, SX; Li, YN*; Kong, LJ; Tu, CH; Wang, HT*, “Phase conjugation of vector fields by degenerate four-wave mixing in a Fe-doped LiNbO3,” Optics Letters 39, 4907(2014) 17. Pan, Y; Li, YN*; Li, SM; Ren, ZC; Kong, LJ; Tu, CH; Wang, HT*, “Elliptic-symmetry vector optical fields,” Optics Express 22, 19302-19313 (2014) 18. Lou, K; Qian, SX; Ren, ZC; Tu, CH; Li, YN*; Wang, HT*, “Femtosecond Laser Processing by Using Patterned Vector Optical Fields,” Scientific Reports 3, 2281 (2013) 19. Li, YN; Wang, XL; Zhao, H; Kong, LJ; Lou, K; Gu, B; Tu, CH; Wang, HT*, “Young's two-slit interference of vector light fields,” Optics Letters 37, 1790-1792 (2012)

