2023-05-11 05:19
  • 崔银秋
  • 崔银秋 - 教授-吉林大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




2003年 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 博士后
2002年 吉林大学生命科学学院生物化学与分子生物学 理学博士
1999年 锦州医科大学 医学硕士
2011.09-至今 吉林大学生命科学学院 教授
2011.09-至今 吉林大学边疆考古研究中心 兼职教授
2011.04-2012.04 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟-厄巴纳分校 访问学者
2006.09-2011.09 吉林大学生命科学学院 副教授
2003.08-2006.08 吉林大学生命科学学院 讲师
1.30871349.新疆小河墓地古代人群的遗传结构及源流问题.国家自然科学基金. 2009.1-2009.12, 8万
2.20100592.陈旧性生物样本种属鉴定试剂盒的研制与开发.吉林省科技厅2010.12-2013.12, 4万
3.3L1117671413.普洱茶降糖机理的研究,普洱市科技局科技发展计划重点项目. 2011.1-2013.3,30万
4.2010BAK67B05.公前3500年至前1500年黄河、长江及西辽河流域区域聚落与居民研究.国家科技支撑计划子课题. 2011.08-2012.08, 6万
5.10YJC780004.中国古代北方游牧民族的遗传关系研究及其在现代民族形成中的作用.教育部2010年度人文社会科学研究项目. 2011.07-2013.12, 8万
6.J1210007.现代考古学子课题.国家基础科学人才培养基金特殊学科点项目. 2012-2016, 30万
7.2013C014-3.肺癌早期基因诊断技术的研究与开发.吉林省产业技术研究与开发专项项目,2013.1-2016.12, 10万
8.湖北省郧县大寺遗址古代个体关系研究.湖北省文物考古研究所. 2016.1-12, 8万
9.后套木嘎古代人群组成与来源的古DNA研究,.吉林省文物考古研究所.2016.1-2017.12, 9.8万
10.41472024.应用基因组学方法研究东北嫩江流域青铜时代古人群组成与来源.国家自然科学基金,2015.01-2018.12, 90万
11.16JJD780005.西辽河流域史前社会生业模式与文化变迁的基因组学研究.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目,2016.11.13-2020.12.31, 80万
12.新疆巴里坤石人子沟遗址群古代人群DNA组研究.西北大学. 2017.1-12, 5万
17.42072018.基于古DNA技术的中国古代疫病致病菌的基因组学和进化历史研究.国家自然科学基金,2021.01-2024.12, 61万
1.2006BAK21B03.周慧3500BC—1500BC中国文明形成与早期发展阶段的技术与经济研究.国家科技部十一五支撑计划子课题. 2007-2008. 24万
2.周慧 田野考古出土人类遗骸DNA获取技术规范.国家文物局. 2008-2012. 25万
3.J0930002.周慧 现代考古学.国家基础科学人才培养基金特殊学科点项目. 2009-2011. 110万
4.2010BAK67B03.周慧3500BC—1500BC黄河长江及西辽河流域的技术生业和资源研究.国家科技部十二五支撑计划子课题. 2010-2012. 23.6万
5.J1210007.周慧 现代考古学.国家基础科学人才培养基金特殊学科点项目. 2012-2016. 110万
6.11&ZD182.周慧 汉民族历史形成过程的分子考古学研究.国家社会科学基金重大项目子课题. 2012-2016. 15万
7.31371266.周慧 西辽河流域史前人群的遗传多样性及其与地域文化变迁的关系.国家自然科学基金. 2013-2017. 80万
专利号: ZL2014104657417,陈旧性动物样本种属鉴定试剂盒及制备方法,专利授权日:2016.3.23




1.Chao Ning, Tianjiao Li,Ke Wang,Fan Zhang,Tao Li,Xiyan Wu,Shizhu Gao,Quanchao Zhang, Hai Zhang,Mark J. Hudson, Guanghui Dong, Sihao Wu, Yanming Fang, Chen Liu, Chunyan Feng Wei Li, Tao Han, Ruo Li, Jian Wei, Yonggang Zhu, Yawei Zhou,Chuanchao Wang, Shengying Fan, Zenglong Xiong, Zhouyong Sun, Maolin Ye, Lei Sun,Xiaohong Wu, Fawei Liang, Yanpeng Cao, Xingtao Wei, Hong Zhu, Hui Zhou, Johannes Krause*, Martine Robbeets*, Choongwon Jeong*,Yinqiu Cui*,Ancient genomes from northern China suggest links between subsistence changes and human migration.Nature communications,2020, 11,2700.(SCI收录,中科院JCR分区生物学I区,IF:12.121)
2.Cui, Y., Zhang, F., Ma, P., Fan, L., Ning, C., Zhang, Q., Zhang,W., Wang,L.,Robbeets, M. (2020). Bioarchaeological perspective on the expansion of Transeurasian languages in Neolithic Amur River basin.Evolutionary Human Sciences,2020,2, E15. doi:10.1017/ehs.2020.16
3.Wu, Xiyan, Ning, Chao, Bao, Qingchuan, Gao, Shizhu, Zhang,Fan, Sihao Wu, Tianjiao Li, Linyuan Fan, Tao Li, Xuan Yang, Dawei Cai,* andYinqiu Cui,*Mitochondrial Genome of an 8,400-Year-Old Individualfrom Northern China Reveals a Novel Subclade UnderC5d,Human Biology, 2019, 91(1):21–30.(SCI/SSCI双收录,中科院JCR分区生物学IV区, IF:1.06)doi:10.13110/humanbiology.91.1.04
5.Chao Ning#,Chuan-Chao Wang#,Shizhu Gao,Yang Yang,Xue Zhang,Xiyan Wu,Fan Zhang,Zhongzhi Nie,Yunpeng Tang,Martine Robbeets,Jian Ma*,Johannes Krause*,Yinqiu Cui*, Ancient genomes reveal Yamnaya-related ancestry and potential source of Indo-European speakers in Iron Age Tianshan,Current Biology,2019,29, 2526–2532(SCI收录,中科院JCR分区生物学I区,IF:9.601)
6.Xiyan Wu#, Baoxu Ding#, Bingqi Zhang, Jiaojiao Feng, Yibing Wang, Chao Ning, Haidan Wu, Fan Zhang, Qun Zhang, Ning Li, Zhibin Zhang, Xuhan Sun, Quanchao Zhang, Wenying Li, Bao Liu,Yinqiu Cui*,Lei Gong*,Phylogenetic and population structural inference from genomic ancestry maintained in present‐day common wheat Chinese landraces,the Plant Journal, 2019,Volume 99, Issue 2,201-205(SCI收录,中科院JCR分区植物I区,IF:6.141)
7.杨翊研,宁超,杨百全,崔银秋,李春香.采用STR、SNP和X-STR进行胚胎组织亲权鉴定1例,中国法医学杂志,2016, 31(4):398-399(中文核心)
8.Ning C, Gao S, Deng B, Zheng H, Wei D, Lv H, Li H, Song L, Wu Y, Zhou H,Cui Y*. Ancient mitochondrial genome reveals trace of prehistoric migration in the east Pamir by pastoralists.Journal of Human Genetics. 2016 Feb;61(2):103-8.(SCI收录,IF:2.39)
9.Chao Ning, Shi Yan, Kang Hu3,Yin-Qiu Cui*and Li Jin*. Refined phylogenetic structure of an abundant East Asian Y-chromosomal haplogroup O*-M134.European Journal of Human Genetics, 2016( 24), 307–309.(SCI收录,IF:4.35)
10.Weidong Ruan,Yinqiu Cui,Feng Lin, Tieli Zhou*, Ge Hui, Ye Wang, Yufeng Chen, Fei Lu, Jie Guo and Bing Zhao*. Fabrication of periodical Ag–Au compound nanostructure films with controllable Ag nanoparticle aggregate patterns: a study on surface-enhanced Raman scattering,J. Raman Spectrosc.2015, 4740.(SCI收录,IF:2.56)
11.Weidong Ruan,Tieli Zhou . Chengbin Sun .Yanchun Tao . Fei Lu . Xu Wang .Bing Zhao . Yinqiu Cui, Size-dependent filtration of nanoparticles on porous films composed by polystyrene microsphere monolayers and applications in site-selective deposition of nanoparticles,Journal of Nanoparticle Research(2015) 17:388 .DOI 10.1007/s11051-015-3193-0.(SCI收录,IF:2.132)
12.Yinqiu Cui, Li Song, Dong Wei, Yuhong Pang, et al. Identification of kinship and host status among Mongolian noble cemetery in the Yuan Dynasty through multidisciplinary approaches,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2015 Jan 19;370(1660).(SCI收录,IF:7.01,中科院JCR生物II区)7.01
13.Cui Y, Lindo J, Hughes CE, Johnson JW, Hernandez AG, et al. Ancient DNA Analysis of Mid-Holocene Individuals from the Northwest Coast of North America Reveals Different Evolutionary Paths for Mitogenomes. 2013,PLoS ONE8(7): e66948.(SCI收录,IF:3.73)
14.Yinqiu Cui,Hongjie Li, Chao Ning, Ye Zhang, Lu Chen, Xin Zhao, Erika Hagelberg and Hui Zhou*, Y Chromosome analysis of prehistoric human populations in the West Liao River Valley, Northeast China.BMC Evolutionary Biology,2013, 13:216.(SCI收录,IF:3.29)
15.Hongjie Li, Xin Zhao, Yongbin Zhao, Chunxiang Li, Dayong Si, Hui Zhou*,Yinqiu Cui*,Genetic characteristics and migration history of a bronze culture population in the West Liao-River valley revealed by ancient DNA.Journal of Human Genetics,2011,56, 815–822.(SCI收录,IF:2.496)
16.SHI Weiguang,, WU Huijie,, ZHOU Guoqiang, JIANG Qifeng,CUI Yinqiu*, LIU Xiaoyang*, Molecular Analysis of Stable Mutagenesis in Cucumber Induced by High Hydrostatic Pressure.Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics; 2011, 25(4):379-384.(EI收录,通讯联系人)
17.FU Yu-qin, LI Min, Wang Xu, ZHOU Guo-qiang, ZHOU Hui, and CUI Yin-qiu*. A proteomics approach to investigate the impact of aFGF antagonist on signal transduction pathway.Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 2010, 26(2) 252-255 . (IF:0.460)
18.Yinqiu Cui, Chunxiang Li,Shizhu Gao,Chengzhi Xie,and Hui Zhou* Early Eurasian Migration Traces in the Tarim Basin Revealed by mtDNA Polymorphisms.American Journal of Physical Anthropology,2010,142: 558-564. (IF:2.695)
19.Cui YQ, Gao SZ, Xie CZ, Zhang QC, Wang HJ, Zhu H, Zhou H. Analysis of the matrilineal genetic structure of population in the early Iron Age from Tarim Basin., Xinjiang, China.Chinese Science Bulletin,2009,54(21):3916-3923. (IF:1.087)
20.崔银秋,高诗珠,谢承志,张全超,王海晶,朱泓,周慧.新疆塔里木盆地早期铁器时代人群的母系遗传结构分析.科学通报, 2009, 54(19): 2912-2919.
21.崔银秋,林凤,逯家辉,周慧,滕利荣.建立与科研课题结合的分子生物学实验教学新模式。实验室研究与探索.2009, 28(11):109-111.
22.崔银秋,张全超,谢承志,周慧.新型TaqMan-MB荧光探针测定古DNA模板含量.吉林大学学报(医学版). 2007, 33(1): 9-12.
23.李敏,周慧,崔银秋*蛋白质组学方法在细胞内信号转导研究中的应用,生物技术通讯, Vol.18 No.2 Mar., 2007
24.付玉芹,李敏,岳晓婧,崔银秋*,周 慧,枯草芽孢杆菌的ade基因在大肠杆菌中的MBP融合表达及活性鉴定,吉林大学学报(理学版) Vol. 44 No. 2, 2006
25.崔银秋,张全超,段然慧,朱泓,李惟,周慧*,吐鲁番盆地青铜至铁器时代居民遗传结构研究,考古, 2005(7):83-88
26.崔银秋,许月,谢承志,朱泓,周慧*.孔雀河古墓沟墓地居民mtDNA多态性分析 吉林大学学报(医学版),2004, 30(4):650-652
27.崔银秋,段然慧,周慧* ,朱泓.青海省都兰县唐代吐蕃墓葬人骨线粒体DNA研究。边疆考古研究第二辑,2004, 378-383.
28.崔银秋 段然慧 周慧*朱泓.新疆古代居民遗传结构分析。高等学校化学学报,2002, 23(12):2278-228.(IF 0.782)
29.崔银秋,张全超,许月,周慧,朱泓.从mtDNA研究角度看新疆地区古代居民遗传结构的变化。中央民族大学学报,2004, 31(5):34-36
31.Yinqiu Cui Ranhui Duan Chaoneng Ji Hong Zhu Wei Li Yumin Mao Hui Zhou. Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA from the Ancient Tombs of Turfan.Chemical Research in Chinese Universities.2002, 18(4): 419-423 (IF 0.460)
32.崔银秋 段然慧 季朝能 朱泓 李惟 毛裕民 周慧.交河故城古车师人的线粒体DNA分析。高等学校化学学报,2002, 23(8):1510-1514. (SCI收录,IF 0.782)
1.Gao S, Zhang Y, Wei D, Li H, Zhao Y, Cui Y, Zhou H. Ancient DNA reveals a migration of the ancient Di-qiang populations into Xinjiang as early as the early Bronze Age. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2015 May;157(1):71-80.
2.Zhao YB, Zhang Y, Zhang QC, Li HJ, Cui YQ, Xu Z, Jin L, Zhou H, Zhu H. Ancient DNA reveals that the genetic structure of the northern han chinese was shaped prior to 3,000 years ago. PLoS One. 2015 May 4;10(5):e0125676.
3.Zhou M, Guo M, He D, Wang X, Cui Y, Yang H, Hao D, Sun J.A potential signature of eight long non-coding RNAs predicts survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. J Transl Med. 2015 Jul 17;13:231.
4.Zhao YB, Zhang Y, Li HJ, Cui YQ, Zhu H, Zhou H. Ancient DNA evidence reveals that the Y chromosome haplogroup Q1a1 admixed into the Han Chinese 3,000 years ago. Am J Hum Biol. 2014 Nov;26(6):813-21.
5.Chunxiang Li, Diane L. Lister, Hongjie Li, Yue Xu, Yinqiu Cui, Mim A. Bower, Martin K. Jones, Hui Zhou, Ancient DNA analysis of desiccated wheat grains excavated from a Bronze Age cemetery in Xinjiang, Journal of Archaeological Science. Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 38, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 115–119
6.Li C, Li H, Cui Y, Xie C, Cai D, Li W, Mair VH, Xu Z, Zhang Q, Abuduresule I, Jin L, Zhu H, Zhou H. Evidence that a West-East admixed population lived in the Tarim Basin as early as the early Bronze Age. BMC Biology,2010,Feb 17;8-15. (IF:5.230)
7.Gao S, Cui Y, Yang Y, Duan R, Abuduresule I, Mair VH, Zhu H, and Zhou H*. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of human remains from the Yuansha site in Xinjiang, China. Sci China C Life Sci 2008, 51:205-13. (IF:0.691)

