2023-05-09 15:34
  • 钱雅洁
  • 钱雅洁 - 副教授 博导-东华大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料




2016年博士毕业于同济大学环境工程专业,2013年9月至2015年9月于美国佐治亚理工学院市政与环境工程系进行研究工作,并于2016年进入东华大学环境学院环境工程系工作至今。主要从事水化学及环境化学方向的相关研究。迄今,在Environmental Science & Technology等环境领域的国际期刊发表SCI论文十余篇,授权专利多项。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,中国博士后基金面上项目等。多次参加国际重要学术会议,并做报告。




Y. Qian, G. Xue, Z. Liu, et al., Oxidation of cefalexin by thermally activated persulfate: Kinetics, products, and antibacterial activity change, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 354 (2018) 153-160.\r
X. Zhou, D. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, H. Chu, Y. Qian*, Degradation mechanism and kinetic modeling for UV/peroxydisulfate treatment of penicillin antibiotics, Chemical Engineering Journal, 341 (2018) 93-101.\r
Y. Qian, X. Guo, Y. Zhang, et al., Perfluorooctanoic Acid Degradation Using UV–Persulfate Process: Modeling of the Degradation and Chlorate Formation, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2016) 772-781.\r
Y. Qian, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang, et al., Performance of α-methylnaphthalene degradation by dual oxidant of persulfate/calcium peroxide: Implication for ISCO, Chemical Engineering Journal, 279 (2015) 538-546.\r
Y. Qian, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang, et al., Performance and properties of nanoscale calcium peroxide for toluene removal, Chemosphere, 91 (2013) 717-723.\r
Y. Qian, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, et al., Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by nanoscale calcium peroxide: Implication for groundwater remediation, Separation and Purification Technology, 166 (2016) 222-229.\r
Y. Qian, P. Gao, G. Xue, et al., Oxidation of Cefalexin by Permanganate: Reaction Kinetics, Mechanism, and Residual Antibacterial Activity, Molecules, 23 (2018) 2015.\r
Y. Qian, X. Zhou, J. Chen, et al., Binding of Bezafibrate to Human Serum Albumin: Insight into the Non-Covalent Interaction of an Emerging Contaminant with Biomacromolecules, Molecules, 17 (2012) 6821.\r
J. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Qian, et al., Fe(III)-promoted transformation of β-lactam antibiotics: Hydrolysis vs oxidation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 335 (2017) 117-124.\r
T. Huang, C. Fang, Y. Qian, et al., Insight into Mn(II)-mediated transformation of β-lactam antibiotics: The overlooked hydrolysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 321 (2017) 662-668.

