2023-05-06 11:30
  • 广田薰
  • 广田薰 - 教授-北京理工大学-自动化学院-个人资料




1970.4-1974.3 东京工业大学 工学部 电子工程专业 学士
1974.4-1976.3 东京工业大学 理工学研究科 电气工程 硕士
1976.4-1979.3 东京工业大学 理工学研究科 电气工程 博士
1979.4-1982.3 相模工业大学 工学部 信息工程科 讲师
1982.4 1995.1 法政大学 工学部
电气工程科 测量控制 讲师(1982.4-1983.3) 助理教授(1983.3-1992.3) 教授
系统控制工程科 教授(1993.4-1995.1)
1995.2-2015.3 东京工业大学 综合理工学研究科
系统科学 教授(1995.2-1996.5)
智能系统科学 教授(1995.5-2015.3)
2015.4-至今 日本学术振兴会北京代表处 所长
2015.9-至今 北京理工大学 自动化学院 控制理论与控制工程研究所 教授




1.Naoyoshi Yubazaki, Kaoru Hirota. Fuzzy Inference System. Japan 2-56602. 1990.2.26
2.Naoyoshi Yubazaki, Kaoru Hirota. Multi-input Fuzzy Inference System. Japan 9-26880. 1997.1.28
3.Kaoru Hirota. Wet Suit With Leg Zipper. Japan 2002-362484. 2002.12.18
4.Naoyoshi Y bazaki, Kaoru Hirota. Control System/Method of Electric
Devices. Japan 2003-148102. 2003.5.26
5.Eiroku Go, Kaoru Hirota. Debt Ranking System. Japan 2004-57240. 2004.3.2
1.Kaoru Hirota. Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Technology. Springer. 1993
2.Kaoru Hirota, Michio Sugeno. Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Technology in the word. World Scientific. 1995
3.Kaoru Hirota, Toshio Fukuda. Soft Computing in Mechatronics. Physica-Verlag (A Springer-Verlag Company). 1999
4.Peter Sincak, Jan Vascak, Kaoru Hirota. Machine Intelligence: Quo Vadis?. World Scientific. 2004
1.Kaoru Hirota. The bounded variation quantity (B.V.Q.) and its application to feature extraction. Pattern Recognit. 15(2): 93-101 (1982)
2.Kaoru Hirota, Witold Pedrycz. Fuzzy system identification via probabilistic sets. Inf. Sci. 28(1): 21-43 (1982)
3.Kaoru Hirota, Witold Pedrycz. Subjective Entropy of Probabilistic Sets and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 16(1): 173-179 (1986)
4.Kaoru Hirota, Yoshihiro Ariizumi. Autonomous Robot Recognizing Ambiguously Instructed Path Information. IROS 1988: 361-364
5.Kaoru Hirota, Kazuya Iwama. Application of modified FCM with additional data to area division of images. Inf. Sci. 45(2): 213-230 (1988)
6.Kaoru Hirota. Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logical Circuits. Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control 1991: 145-157
7.Kaoru Hirota, Witold Pedrycz. Logic-based neural networks. Inf. Sci. 71(1-2): 99-130 (1993)
8.Kaoru Hirota. Fuzzy logic and its hardware implementation. ANNES 1995: 102-105
9.Kaoru Hirota, Witold Pedrycz, Implicitly-Supervised Learning and Its
Application to Fuzzy Pattern Classifiers, Information Sciences, 1998, 106(1-2):71-85.
10.Hu Du, Ruohan Li, Donggyun Kim, Kaoru Hirota, Yaping Dai:
Low-Latency Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Keyword Spotting. SCIS&ISIS 2018: 802-807
11.Kiyohiko Uehara, Kaoru Hirota. Noise Reduction with Fuzzy Inference Based on Generalized Mean and Singleton Input-Output Rules: Toward Fuzzy Rule Learning in a Unified Inference Platform. JACIII 23(6): 1027-1043 (2019)
12.Luefeng Chen, Wanjuan Su,Yu Feng, Min Wu, Jinhua She, Kaoru Hirota. Two-Layer Fuzzy Multiple Random Forest for Speech Emotion Recognition in
Human-Robot Interaction, Information Sciences, 2020, 509: 150-163.
13.Luefeng Chen, Min Wu, Mengtian Zhou, Zhentao Liu, Jinhua She, Kaoru
Hirota. Dynamic Emotion Understanding in Human–Robot Interaction Based on Two-Layer Fuzzy SVR-TS Model, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(2): 490-501.
14.Fei Yan , Kehan Chen , Abdullah M. Iliyasu , Kaoru Hirota. Circuit-Based Modular Implementation of Quantum Ghost Imaging. IEEE Access 8: 23054-23068 (2020)
1.Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics(JACII) 主编
2.IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics 副编辑
3.Int. J of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 编委
4.Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics, and Intelligent Systems 编委
5.International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 编委
6.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 学术委员会成员

