2023-05-06 09:44
  • 邓利
  • 邓利 - 副教授-北京化工大学-生命科学与技术学院-个人资料




基本信息: 中共党员,教授,博士生导师,生命科学与技术学院副院长,作为项目负责人主持承担了863项目、科技支撑子项目,国家自然科学基金、科技部星火计划和火炬计划、科技部国际合作项目,厦门市重大科技项目和成果转化项目、企业合作项目若干项。参与多项国家重大科技攻关基础研究和产业化项目。累计在国内外核心刊物发表论文百余篇,其中SCI收录50 余篇。申请和授权发明专利20余项。 教育背景: 1992、1999和2004年获北京化工大学生物化工学士、硕士和博士学位。 工作经历: 1992年留校至今,一直在北京化工大学任教,曾先后在应用化学系、化学工程学院和生命学院从事教学、科研和管理工作。 2002-2003年和2005-2007年在丹麦工业技术大学和日本名古屋大学作访问学者和博士后研究。 2012-2015年曾在厦门市科技局挂职局长助理,并兼任厦门北化生物产业研究院有限公司的院长和法人。




1) Zhang, X., Nie, K., Zheng, Y., Wang, F., Deng, L., Tan, T, et al. Lipase Candida sp. 99-125Coupled with β-cyclodextrin as additive synthesized the human milk fat substitutes [J], Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2016, 125: 1-5.
2) Xu, Juntao, Liu, Changsheng, Wang, Meng, Shao, Lei, Deng, Li, Nie, Kaili, Wang, Fang. Rotating packed bed reactor for enzymatic synthesis of biodiesel [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 224: 292-297
3) Changsheng Liu, Yan Zhang, Xin Zhanga, Kaili Nie, Li Deng, Fang Wang, The Two-Step Synthesis of OPO by Candida sp. 99-125 lipase, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2016。
4) Liu, H., Ma, J., Wang, M., Wang, W., Deng, L., Nie, K., Yue, X., Wang, F., Tan, T, Food Waste Fermentation to Fumaric Acid by Rhizopus arrhizus RH7-13, Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology, 2016, 18 (8): 1524-1533.
5) Zhao, K., Cao, X., Di, Q., Wang, M., Cao, H., Deng, L., Liu, J., Wang, F., Tan, T. Synthesis, characterization and optimization of a two-step immobilized lipase, Renewable Energy, 2016, 103: 383-387.
6) Tung-Cheng Chang, Deng Li, Liang-Shun Wang, Yew-Min Tzeng, et al. 4-Acetylantroquinonol B inhibits colorectal cancer tumorigenesis and suppresses cancer stem-like phenotype[J]. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2015, 288(2): 258-268.
7) Xin Zhang, Kaili Nie, Li Deng, Tianwei Tan, et al. Enzymatic production and functional characterization of d-sorbitol monoesters with various fatty acids,Catalysis Communications,Volume 72, 5 December 2015, Pages 138–141
8) Huan Liu,
Li Deng, Fang Wang, et al. High production of fumaric acid from xylose by newly selected strain Rhizopus arrhizus RH 7-13-9#, Bioresource Technology, Volume 186, June 2015, Pages 348–35.
9) Ting Zhang, Li Deng, Yajun Yan, et al. Pull-in urea cycle for the production of fumaric acid in Escherichia coli, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. June 2015, Volume 99, Issue 12, pp 5033-5044.
10) Hao Cao, Li Deng , Fang Wang, et al. The role of temperature and solvent microenvironment on the activity of Yarrowia lipolytica Lipase 2: Insights from molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, Volume 109, November 2014, Pages 101–108.
11) Meng Wang, Li Deng, Tianwei Tan, et al. Biodiesel production by combined fatty acids separation and subsequently enzymatic esterification to improve
the low temperature properties, Bioresource Technology, Volume 174, December 2014, Pages 302–305.
12) Yuqing Zhou, Li Deng, Fang Wang, et al. Production of fumaric acid from biodiesel-derived crude glycerol by Rhizopus arrhizus, Bioresource Technology, Volume 163, July 2014, Pages 48–53.

