2023-05-05 15:04
  • 毕红
  • 毕红 - 教授 博导-安徽大学-材料科学与工程学院-个人资料




1991年本科毕业于浙江大学化工系,获得工学学士学位。 2000年获得安徽大学“无机化学”专业的硕士学位,2000年至2003年在南京大学攻读 “高分子化学与物理”专业博士研究生,获得理学博士学位。2004-2006年在中国科学与技术大学“化学”博士后流动站从事科研工作,2011-2012年在美国哥伦比亚大学医学院Milan Stojanovic教授课题组做访问学者。 自1994年开始在安徽大学化学化工学院工作至今,一直从事本科与研究生的教学以及科研工作 ,讲授《化工原理》和《现代材料合成化学》等课程,2008年起担任博士研究生导师。2010年入选安徽省第七批学术与技术带头人后备人选。




Bi Hong, Qianwang Chen, Suntao. Preparation of Ferromagnetic γ-Fe2O3 Nanocrystallites by Oxidative Co-decomposition of PEG6000 and Ferrocene. Solid State Communications. 2007, 141(10), 573-576.\r
Bi Hong, Qianwang Chen, Yonglong Zhuang, Shenqiang Zhao. Effect of a low magnetic field on crystallinity and magnetic susceptibility of molecular magnet {NBu4[FeCr(ox)3]}x (NBu4+ = tetra ( n-butyl) ammonium ion; ox2- = oxalate ion). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006, 307(1), 38-42.\r
Bi Hong, Li Shandong, Zhang Yuchuan, Du Youwei. Ferromagnetic-like behavior of ultrafine NiO nanocrystallites. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2004, 277(3), 363-367.\r
Bi Hong, Li Shandong, Jiang Xiqun, Du Youwei, Yang Changzheng. Magnetic anisotropy in carbon encapsulated Co/CoO “lines” with large exchange bias. Physics Letters A. 2003, 307(1), 69-75.\r
Sun Tao, Bi Hong*, Zhu Kerong. An infrared and Raman spectroscopic study of polyanilines co-doped with metal ions and H+. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 2007, 66(4-5), 1364-1368. (*通讯联系人)\r
Bi Hong, Qianwang Chen, Suntao. Preparation of Ferromagnetic γ-Fe2O3 Nanocrystallites by Oxidative Co-decomposition of PEG6000 and Ferrocene. Solid State Communications. 2007, 141(10), 573-576.\r
Bi Hong, Qianwang Chen, Yonglong Zhuang, Shenqiang Zhao. Effect of a low magnetic field on crystallinity and magnetic susceptibility of molecular magnet {NBu4[FeCr(ox)3]}x (NBu4+ = tetra ( n-butyl) ammonium ion; ox2- = oxalate ion). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006, 307(1), 38-42.\r
Bi Hong, Li Shandong, Zhang Yuchuan, Du Youwei. Ferromagnetic-like behavior of ultrafine NiO nanocrystallites. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2004, 277(3), 363-367.\r
Bi Hong, Li Shandong, Jiang Xiqun, Du Youwei, Yang Changzheng. Magnetic anisotropy in carbon encapsulated Co/CoO “lines” with large exchange bias. Physics Letters A. 2003, 307(1), 69-75.\r
Sun Tao, Bi Hong*, Zhu Kerong. An infrared and Raman spectroscopic study of polyanilines co-doped with metal ions and H+. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 2007, 66(4-5), 1364-1368. (*通讯联系人)

