2023-03-07 16:18
  • 李颂孝
  • 李颂孝 - 特聘教授-澳门科技大学-个人资料




Academic Qualification:Ph.D. in Mathematics,  Shantou University, P.R.China, 2008Master in Mathematics, Xiangtan University, P.R.China, 2003Bachelor in Mathematics, Xiangtan University, P.R.China, 2000Working ExperienceProfessor, Faculty of Information Technology, MUST, 2014 - presentProfessor, Department of Mathematics, Jiaying University, P.R.China, 2012 - 2014Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Jiaying University, P.R.China, 2008 - 2012Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,  Jiaying University, P.R.China, 2003 - 2008


Operators on holomorphic function spaces: Integral operators and composition operators on various spaces. Complex analysis: characterizations for various spaces.


[1] Flavia Colonna and Li, Songxiao,Weighted composition operators from  the Lipschtiz space into the Zygmund spaces,  Math. Ineq. Appl.17 (2014), no. 3, 963–975.[2]  Flavia Colonna and Li, Songxiao, Weighted composition operators from the minimal Mobius invariant space into the Bloch space, Mediterr. J. Math. 10(2013), 395-409.[3]  Flavia Colonna and Li, Songxiao,Weighted composition operators from  H^\infty  into the Zygmund spaces, Complex Anal. Operator Theory, 7 (2013) ,1495–1512.[4] Li, Songxiao,Differences of generalized composition operators on the Bloch space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 394 (2012), 706-711.[5] Li, Songxiao, An integral-type operator from Bloch spaces to Qp spaces in the unit ball, Math. Ineq. Appl. 15, 4 (2012), 959–972.[6] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi, Zhu, Kehe, A characterization of weighted Bergman spaces in the unit ball II, Canad. Math. Bull. 55, 2012 146–152.[7] Li, Songxiao; Romi, Shamoyan, On some estimates and Carleson type measure for multifunctional holomorphic spaces in the unit ball, Bull. Sci. math. 134 (2010), 144–154.[8] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi, Volterra type operators on QK spaces, Taiwanese J. Math.  14(2010), 195-212.[9] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi, Some new characterizations of Bloch spaces, Taiwanese J. Math. 14(6)(2010),  2245-2259.[10] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi,  Characterizations of Qp spaces in the unit ball of Cn, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 360 (2009), 689-696.[11] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Riemann-Stieltjes operators between \alpha-Bloch spaces and Besov spaces. Math. Nachr. 282 (2009), no. 6, 899-911.[12] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi; Zhao, Ruhan; Zhu, Kehe, A characterisation of Bergman spaces on the unit ball of Cn. Glasg. Math. J. 51 (2009), no. 2, 315-330.[13] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Weighted composition operators between H^\infty and \alpha-Bloch spaces in the unit ball. Taiwanese J. Math. 12 (2008), no. 7, 1625-1639.[14] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Riemann-Stieltjes operators between different weighted Bergman spaces. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 15 (2008), no. 4, 677-686.[15] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Some characterizations of the Besov space and the \alpha-Bloch space. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 346 (2008), no. 1, 262-273.[16] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi, Characterizations of \alpha-Bloch spaces on the unit ball. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 343 (2008), no. 1, 58-63.[17] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Generalized composition operators on Zygmund spaces and Bloch type spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 338 (2008), no. 2, 1282-1295.[18] Chang, Der-Chen; Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, On some integral operators on the unit polydisk and the unit ball. Taiwanese J. Math. 11 (2007), no. 5, 1251-1285.[19] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Weighted composition operators from \alpha-Bloch space to H^\infty on the polydisc. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 28 (2007), no. 7-8, 911-925.[20] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Weighted composition operators from H^\infty to the Bloch space on the polydisc. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2007, Art. ID 48478, 13 pp.[21] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Riemann-Stieltjes-type integral operators on the unit ball in Cn. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 52 (2007), no. 6, 495-517.[22] Li, Songxiao; Wulan, Hasi, Composition operators on QK spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 327 (2007), no. 2, 948-958.[23] Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo, Volterra-type operators on Zygmund spaces. J. Inequal. Appl. 2007, Art. ID 32124, 10 pp.[24] Li, Songxiao, Some new characterizations of Dirichlet type spaces on the unit ball of Cn. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (2006), no. 2, 1073-1083.

