2023-03-07 16:04
  • 谭珮璇
  • 谭珮璇 - 副教授-澳门大学-个人资料




Academic QualificationsPh.D. in Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong, ChinaMaster in Economics, The University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong, ChinaBachelor in Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ChinaTeachingUndergraduate CoursesPrinciples of Microeconomics (BECO1000, BECO100)Econometrics I (BECO2001, BECO200, BECO210, ECIF310)Introduction to Econometrics (BECO4003, BECO403)Applied Econometrics (BECO4004, BECO404)Financial Econometrics (BECO311)Econometrics II (ECIF311)Introduction to Macroeconomics (ECIF100)Introduction to Microeconomics (ECIF101)Intermediate Microeconomics (ECIF201)The Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region (ECIF412)Economies of the Asia-Pacific Region (ECMC470)International Organizations (ECIF404)Honours Project (HONR400)Summer Research Programme (SUMR1000, SUMR001)Graduate CoursesDoctoral Thesis (BECO8999)Applied Thesis (ACCT7996)Academic Thesis (FINC7999, FINC798)Thesis (FINC799)Business Thesis (IMBC999)


Applied EconometricsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial EconomicsTourism Economics


Tam, P.S., 2019. Global impacts of China-US trade tensions, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, forthcoming. (ABS1)Chang, X., An, T.L., Tam, P.S., Gu, X.H., 2019. National savings rate and sectoral income distribution: An empirical look at China, China Economic Review, forthcoming. (ABS2)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., Li, G.Q., Zhao, Q.B., 2019. An alternative explanation for high saving in China: Rising inequality, International Review of Economics and Finance, forthcoming. (ABS2)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., Zhang, Y., Lei, C.K., 2019. Inequality, leverage and crises: Theory and evidence revisited, The World Economy, 48, 2280-2299. (ABS2)Tam, P.S., 2018. Economic transition and growth dynamics in Asia: Harmony or discord? Comparative Economic Studies, 60, 361-387. (ABS1)Tam, P.S., 2018. Global trade flows and economic policy uncertainty, Applied Economics, 50, 3718-3734. (ABS2)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., Lei, C.K., Chang, X., 2016. The economics of taxation in casino tourism with cross-border market power, Review of Development Economics, 20, 113-125. (ABS2)Gu, X.H., Huang, B.H., Tam, P.S., Zhang, Y., 2015. Inequality and saving: Further evidence from integrated economies (2015), Review of Development Economics, 19, 15-30. (ABS2)Tam, P.S., 2014. A spatial-temporal analysis of East Asian equity market linkages, Journal of Comparative Economics, 42, 304-327. (ABS3)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., 2014. The impacts of demand and supply elasticities on gambling tax choices, The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 8, 53-71. (ABS1)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., 2014. Market structure and casino taxation in tourist resorts, Applied Economics, 46, 1049-1057. (ABS2)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., 2014. Tax incidence and price discrimination: An application of theories to gambling markets, China Economic Review, 28, 135-151. (ABS2)Gu, X.H., Li, G.Q., Tam, P.S., 2013. Casino tourism, social cost, and tax effects, International Gambling Studies, 13, 221-239.Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., 2013. The saving-growth-inequality triangle in China, Economic Modelling, 33, 850-857. (ABS2)Tam, P.S., 2013. Finite-sample distribution of the augmented Dickey-Fuller test with lag optimization, Applied Economics, 45, 3495-3511. (ABS2)Tam, P.S., 2012. Size properties of Lagrange Multiplier cointegration tests in the presence of structural breaks, Applied Economics Letters, 19, 1061-1064. (ABS1)Gu, X.H., Tam, P.S., 2011. Casino taxation in Macao: An economic perspective, Journal of Gambling Studies, 27, 587-605.Lei, C.K., Tam, P.S., 2010. A panel data approach to the income convergence among Mainland China Hong Kong and Macao, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 15, 420-435. (ABS1)Selected Books and Book ChaptersLei, C.K., Tam, P.S., 2013. Stochastic convergence of the Greater China economies: A panel unit root approach, in B. Wu, S. Yao, and J. Chen (eds.), China’s Development and Harmonisation: Toward a Balance with Nature, Society and International Community, Routledge.Choy, I.W.T., Tam, P.S., 2008. Economic impact of gaming expansion on tourism in Macau, in W.C. Ieong et al. (eds.), The Rapid Growth of Casino Industry and Its Impacts to the Macao Economy and Society, Union of Macao Scholars.

