2023-05-13 11:07
  • 高乃平
  • 高乃平 - 教授 博导-同济大学-机械与能源工程学院-个人资料




2003.6-2006.12 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系 博士
2000.9-2003.4 同济大学热能工程系 硕士
1996.9-2000.7 同济大学热能工程系 学士
2008.7-至今 同济大学机械与能源工程学院 副教授,教授
2007.1-2008.6 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系 博士后
1. 上海市科学技术奖二等奖(2018) 大型污水治理设施恶臭气体处理集成技术与示范, 排名第6
2. 浙江省科学技术进步奖三等奖(2017) 燃气热水器节能环保创新技术研发与产业化, 排名第4
3. Elsevier 2014\\2015\\2016\\2017年度中国大陆地区Built Environment领域高被引学者
4. 同济大学优秀青年教师骨干计划, 2014.12
5. 同济大学机械学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖(英语组), 2014.5
6. 同济大学机械学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖, 2013.4
7. 同济大学优秀青年教师计划, 2012.9
8. 同济大学青年岗位能手, 2012.5
9. 同济大学优秀共产党员, 2011.6
10. 同济大学优秀青年教师培育计划, 2010
11. 同济大学青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖, 2009.10
12. 同济大学机械学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖, 2009.5
13. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划, 2008KJ025
14. 个性化送风装置,瑞士日内瓦国际发明铜奖, 2007.4
15. International Award for Personalized Ventilation Device Integrated With Seats, Outstanding Professional Services And Innovation Awards, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2007


建筑通风,工程热物理"1. 建筑与地下空间的通风和热问题
2. 空气源热泵热水系统、中低温热能高效利用、有机朗肯循环(ORC)
3. 燃气高效洁净燃烧"


Wang TT, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) Investigation on the optimal condensation temperature of supercritical organic Rankine cycle systems considering meteorological parameters. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 174, pp. 54-64.
Liu LC, Zhu T, Gao NP, Gan ZX (2018) A review of modeling approaches and tools for the off-design simulation of organic Rankine cycle, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.27, no.4, pp. 305-320.
Wang H, Wang HY, Zhu T, Gao NP (2018) Evaluation on energy performance in a low temperature district heating system integrated with organic Rankine cycle. Journal of ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A, Vol.19, no.6, pp. 461-478.
Mu D, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) CFD investigation on the effects of wind and thermal wall-flow on pollutant transmission in a high-rise building, Vol. 137, pp. 185-197.
Jin YL, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) Controlled variable analysis of counter flow heat exchangers based on thermodynamics derivation. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.129, pp. 684-692.
Liu WD, Liu D, Gao NP (2017) CFD study on gaseous pollutant transmission characteristics under different ventilation strategies in a typical chemical laboratory. Building and Environment, Vol.126, pp. 238-251.
Mu D, Shu C, Gao NP, Zhu T (2017) Wind tunnel tests of inter-flat pollutant transmission characteristics in a rectangular multi-story residential building, part B: effect of source location. Building and Environment, Vol.114, pp. 281-292.
Jia Q, Xia CJ, Zang JB, Pan D, Xu J, Gao NP (2016) Numerical simulation on the temperature field in an equipment cabin of a high-speed railway train. Building Simulation: An International Journal, Vol.9, pp. 689-700.
Mu D, Gao NP, Zhu T (2016) Wind tunnel tests of inter-flat pollutant transmission characteristics in a rectangular multi-story residential building, part A: effect of wind direction. Building and Environment, Vol.108, pp. 15-170.
Xu H, Zhu T, Gao NP (2016) Investigation on the fluid selection and evaporation parametric optimization for sub- and supercritical organic Rankine cycle, Energy, Vol.96, pp. 59-68.
An W, Zhang J, Zhu T, Gao N (2016) Investigation on a spectral splitting photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system based on polypyrrole nanofluid: preliminary test. Renewable Energy, Vol.86, pp. 633-642.
Mao JC, Gao NP (2015) The airborne transmission of infection between flats in high-rise residential buildings: A review. Building and Environment, Vol.94, pp. 516-531.
Mao JC, Yang WW, Gao NP (2015) The transport of gaseous pollutants due to stack and wind effect in high-rise residential buildings. Building and Environment, Vol.94, pp. 543-557.
Yang WW, Gao NP (2015) The airborne transmission of infection due to the stack effect in high-rise residential buildings. International Journal of Ventilation, Vol.14, no.2, pp. 191-208.
Luo ZW, Gao NP (2015) Ventilation for Healthy Indoor Environment in Various Types of Buildings. International Journal of Ventilation, Vol.15, no.2, pp. 109-110.
Wu Z, Pan D, Gao NP, Zhu T, Xie FB (2015) Experimental testing and numerical simulation of scroll expander in a small scale Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.89, pp. 529-537.
An W, Zhu T, Gao NP (2015) Accelerative iteration for coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer computation in semitransparent media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 82, pp. 503-509.
Wu Y, Gao NP (2014) The dynamics of human wake due to the motion and its effects on the indoor environment and contaminant transport in a displacement ventilated office room, Building and Environment, Vol.82, pp. 63-74.
Wu Y, Gao NP, Wang LH, Wu XP (2014) A numerical analysis of train-induced airflow and performance evaluation of a subway ventilation system. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.23, no.6, pp. 854-863.
Hong Kong Research Grants Council Reviewer
任Aerosol and Air Quality Research、Aerosol Science and Technology、Applied Energy、Applied Thermal Engineering、ASHRAE Transactions、Building and Environment、Building Simulation: An International Journal、Energy、Energy and Buildings、Energy Conversion and Management、Engineering Applications for Computational Fluid Mechanics、Ergonomics、Indoor Air、Indoor and Built Environment、International Journal of HVAC&R、Journal of AIChE、Journal of Thermodynamics
Journal of Refrigeration、计算力学学报、建筑科学、安全与环境学报、东南大学学报(中文版/英文版)、环境工程学报、流体机械等期刊审稿人

