2023-05-11 16:23
  • 沈鸿烈
  • 沈鸿烈 - 教授-南京航空航天大学-材料科学与技术学院-个人资料




1990年2月博士研究生毕业于中国科学院上海冶金研究所半导体物理与半导体器件物理专业,获理学博士学位,同年留所工作。1992年7月破格晋升为副研究员,1992年11月至1994年11月,在日本电子技术综合研究所从事博士后研究(日本科学技术厅 STA Fellowship),1995年12月破格晋升为研究员。 1996年2月至2000年4月,担任信息功能材料国家重点实验室第一副主任。1998年1月被批准为博士研究生导师,在中科院上海冶金研究所培养过硕士研究生3名,博士研究生1名,指导过博士后1名。他们中有3人次获得过中科院和上海市的学术奖励。2000年5月至2004年10月,应邀分别到日本产业技术综合研究所,美国莱斯大学和加拿大多伦多大学进行访问研究。2004年11月回国到南航任特聘教授以来,已经培养毕业硕士生22人,博士生13人,有5名博士生和1名硕士生分别获得过国家奖学金和南航优秀毕业论文。目前指导博士研究生8名,硕士研究生10名。 曾于1990年获中国科学院院长奖学金,1991年获中国国务院学位委员会和教育部联合颁发的“做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者”称号,1992年入选上海市第一届青年科技启明星计划,1998年获中国政府特殊津贴。是中国电子学会,中国物理学会,上海市传感器学会,美国物理学会会员和中国航空学会的资深会员, 担任江苏省真空学会常务理事和南京市太阳能学会副理事长。是 “十二五”期间 江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目“风能与太阳能发电技术与工程”的学科带头人。《功能材料》杂志(EI期刊)编委。美国纳斯达克上市企业(SOLF)江苏韩华新能源技术委员会委员。是江苏省科技计划项目特聘咨询专家、江苏省重大成果转化评审专家和国家科技进步奖评审专家,被聘为国内外二十多种SCI和EI学术期刊的特约论文评审专家,是新能源技术领域国家863项目计划课题的评审专家和国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金的会评专家,还应邀担任国家教育部“长江学者奖励计划”教授评审专家。2013年10月当选为亚太材料科学院院士。现担任江苏省能量转换材料与技术重点实验室副主任。


[1] Tianru Wu, Guqiao Ding, Honglie Shen*, Haomin Wang, Lei Sun, Da Jiang, Xiaoming Xie, and Mianheng Jiang,Triggering the Continuous Growth of Graphene Toward Millimeter- Sized Grains,Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23:198–203. (SCI, IF=9.765) ;
[2] Tianru Wu, Guqiao Ding, Honglie Shen*, Haomin Wang, Lei Sun, Yun Zhu, Da Jiang and Xiaoming Xie, Continuous graphene films synthesized at low temperatures by introducing coronene as nucleation seeds, Nanoscale, 2013, 5: 5456-5461. (SCI, IF=6.233) ;
[3] Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen*, Research on the photoresponse current and photosensitive properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film prepared by sulfurization of a sputtered metal precursor,RSC Advances,2013, 3: 23474-23481. (SCI, IF=2.562) ;
[4] Wei Wang, Honglie Shen*, Jinze Li,Rapid synthesis of hollow CTS nanoparticles using microwave irradiation,Materials Letters, 2013,11:5-8. (SCI, IF=2.307) ;
[5] Tianru Wu, Honglie Shen*, Lei Sun, Jiayi You, Zhihao Yue, Three Step Fabrication of graphene Synthesized at Low Temperature by Remote Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition,RSC Advances, 2013, 3(24): 9544-9549 . (SCI, IF=2.562) ;
[6] Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen*, Fabrication and photovoltaic properties of Cu2ZnSnS4/i-a-Si/ n-a-Si thin film solar cells, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280: 138-143. (SCI, IF=2.112);
[7] Lidian Zhang, Honglie Shen*, Zhihao Yue, Wei Wang, Ye Jiang,Preparation of Low Reflective Microstructure at Multicrystal Silicon Surface by Ferric Nitrate Etching,Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280: 446–449. (SCI, IF=2.112);
[8] Wei Wang, Honglie Shen*, Xiancong He, Study on the synthesis and formation mechanism of Cu2ZnSnS4 particles by microwave irradiation, Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48: 3140-3143. (SCI, IF=2.105);
[9] Xiancong He, Honglie Shen*, Wei Wang, Jinhong Pi, Yu Hao, Xiaobo Shi, Synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 films from co-electrodeposited Cu-Zn-Sn precursors and their microstructural and optical properties, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 282:765-769. (SCI, IF=2.112) ;
[10] Zhihao Yue, Honglie Shen*, Ye Jiang, et al, Novel and low reflective silicon surface fabricated by Ni-assisted electroless etching and coated with atomic layer deposited Al2O3 film, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, dx.doi.org/10.1007/ s00339-013-7670-y, 2013. (SCI, IF=1.545) ;
[11] Zhihao Yue, Honglie Shen*, Ye Jiang, Antireflective nanostructures fabricated by reactive ion etching method on pyramid-structured silicon surface, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 271: 402-406 . (SCI, IF=2.112) ;
[12] Wei Wang, Honglie Shen*, Feng Jiang, Xiancong He, Zhihao Yue,Low-cost chemical fabrication of Cu2ZnSnS4 microparticles and film,J. Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2013, 24: 1813-1817. (SCI, IF=1.486);
[13] Lei Zhang, Honglie Shen*, Jiayi You, Effect of substrate bias on the properties of microcrystalline silicon films deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition, Phys. Status Solidi A, 2013, 210(3): 574-579. (SCI, IF=1.463);
[14] Honglie Shen*, Tianru Wu, Yuanyuan Pan, Lei Zhang, Bin Cheng, Zhihao Yue, Structural and optical properties of nc-3C-SiC films synthesized by hot wire chemical vapor deposition from SiH4-C2H2-H2 mixture, Thin Solid Films, 2012, 522: 36–39. (SCI, IF=1.890);
[15] Tianru Wu, Honglie Shen*, Lei Sun, Bin Cheng, Bing Liu, and Jiancang Shen, Facile Synthesis of Ag Interlayer Doped Graphene by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Polystyrene As Solid Carbon Source, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4 (4): 2041–2047. (SCI, IF=4.525);
[16] Tianru Wu, Honglie Shen*, Lei Sun, Bin Cheng, Bing Liu and Jiancang Shen, Nitrogen and boron doped monolayer graphene by chemical vapor deposition using polystyrene, urea and boric acid, New Journal of Chemistry, 2012, 36: 1385-1391. (SCI, IF=2.605);
[17] Chao Gao, Honglie Shen*, Feng Jiang, Hao Guan, Preparation of Cu2ZnSnS4 film by sulfurizing solution deposited precursors, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 261:189–192. (SCI, IF=2.103) ;
[18] Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen*, Jiale Jin, and Wei Wang, Preparation and Optoelectronic Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Film, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159 (6): H565-H569. (SCI, IF=2.590);
[19] Hongjie Lv, Honglie Shen*, Ye Jiang, Porous-pyramids structured silicon surface with low reflectance over a broad band by electrochemical etching,Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(14): 5451-5454. (SCI, IF=2.103);
[20] Chao Gao, Honglie Shen*, Influence of deposition parameters on the properties of orthorhombic SnS films by chemical bath deposition. Thin Solid Films, 2012, 520: 3523–3527. (SCI, IF=1.890) ;

