2023-05-11 14:48
  • 揣小伟
  • 揣小伟 - 副教授 硕士生导师-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




已发表相关研究领域学术论文八十余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者SCI/SSCI 论文20余篇,包括NI指数期刊Environmental Science and Technology、JGR-Atmosphere、Applied Geography、 。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科基金、韩国高等教育财团(KFAS)资助国际学者基金及地方研究课题十余项。获得南京大学优秀博士论文奖、国土资源部科学技术二等奖等多项奖项。担任国家自然科学基金评议人,Nature communications、 EST、 International Journal of Climatology、 Land Use Policy、 Science of the Total Environment, Land Degradation&Development等十余SCI刊物审稿人。
2016.9~至今 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院副教授
2015.9~2016.8 首尔国立大学KFAS国际学者遴选项目客座研究员
2013.9~2015.8 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院助理教授
2010.9~2013.6 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院博士研究生
2007.9~2010.6 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院硕士研究生
2001.9~2005.7 河北师范大学资环学院地理科学系本科
1、国家自然科学基金青年基金(No. 41401640). 2015.1-2017.12—沿海地区土地利用碳减排机制反演模拟及土地空间调控研究
2、教育部人文社会科学类青年基金(No. 14YJCZH015). 2014.7-2017.9—沿海开发战略对土地利用碳排放影响及低碳土地调控研究
3、韩国高等教育财团资助,首尔国立大学. 2015.09-2016.08—Spatial-temporal Changes of Carbon Emission from Construction Industry and Low Carbon Regulation
4. 教育部人文社会科学类规划基金(No. 19YJAZH00).2019.1-2021.12—基于大数据的建设用地空间碳排放效应及多层次土地优化利用研究
5、江阴市自然资源和规划局. 2019.01-2020.12—江阴市低碳用地示范区规划研究
6. 江苏省沿海开发集团有限公司.2020.9-2022.8—盐碱地改良治理与土地增量资源扩展研究
7. 江苏省国土资源研究中心.2021.6-2021.10—面向碳中和的国土资源政策研究
8. 2021.7-2021.10—基于碳中和的国土空间利用应对研究
9. 江苏省海洋经济监测中心课题.2021.9-2022.5—海洋经济与蓝碳协同发展研究
10. 自然资源部碳中和与国土空间优化重点实验室重点项目.2022.1-2022.12—基于区域公平的国土空间碳中和目标差距研究
11. 河北省自然资源厅课题.2022.1-2024.12—碳中和目标下的自然资源精细化管理研究
国清洁发展机制资助项目.“地方产业结构调整的温室气体减排效应与调控研究—以江苏省为例”(No. 2012065)

版权所有 © 南京大学




1. Wen, J.Q., Chuai, X.W.*, Gao, R.Y., Pang, B.X. 2022. Regional interaction of lung cancer incidence influenced by PM2.5 in China. Science of the Total Environment, 803, 149979.
2. Chuai, X.W., Gao, R.Y., Huang, X.J., Lu, Q.L., Zhao, R.Q. 2021. The embodied flow of built-up land in China’s interregional trade and its implications for regional carbon balance. Ecological Economics, 184, 106933.
3. Chuai, X.W., Gao, R.Y., Li, J.B., Guo, X.M., Lu, Q.L., Zhang, M., Zhang, X.R., Liu, Y. 2021. A new meta-coupling framework to diagnose the inequity hidden in China's cultivated land use. Environmental Science & Policy, 124, 635-644.
4. Chuai, X.W., Lu, Q.L., Huang, X.J., Gao, R.Y., Zhao, R.Q. 2021. China's construction industry-linked economy-resources environment flow in international trade. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 123990.
5. Chuai, X.W., Lu, Y., Xie, F.J., Yang, F., Zhao, R.Q., Pang, B.X. 2021. A new approach to evaluate regional inequity determined by PM2.5 emissions and concentrations. Journal of Environmental Management, 277, 111335.
6. Chuai, X.W., Yuan, Y., Zhao, R.Q., Song, S. 2021. High-resolution monitoring of inland water bodies across China in long time series and water resource changes. Environment Development and Sustainability, 23, 3673-3695.
7. Li, J.B., Huang, X.J., Chuai, X.W.*, Yang, H. 2021. The impact of land urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions in the Yangtze River Delta, China: A multiscale perspective. Cities, 116, 103275.
8. Li, J.S., Guo, X.M., Chuai, X.W.*, Xie, F.J., Yang, F., Gao, R.Y., Ji, X.P. 2021. Reexamine China's terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance under land use-type and climate change. Land Use Policy, 102, 105275.
9. Chuai, X.W., Lu, Q.L., Li, J.B. 2020. Footprint of SO2 in China’s international trade and the interregional hotspot analysis. Applied Geography, 125, 102282.
10. Chuai, X.W., Guo, X.M., Zhang, M., Yuan, Y., Li, J.S., Zhao, R.Q., Yang, W.J., Li, J.B. 2020. Vegetation and climate zones based carbon use efficiency variation and the main determinants analysis in China. Ecological Indicators, 111,105967.
11. Feng, J.X., Chuai, X.W.*, Lu, Y., Guo, X.M., Yuan, Y. 2020. Who will do more? The pattern of daily out-of-home activity participation in elderly co-residence households in urban China. Cities, 98, 102586.
12. Yuan, Y., Chuai, X.W.*, Zhao, R.Q., Lu, Q.L., Huang, X.J., Xiang, C.Z., Yuan, X.L., Gao, R.Y., Lu, Y., Huang, X.Y., Guo, X.M., Zhuang, Q.Z. 2020. Tracing China's external driving sources and internal emission hotspots of export-driven PM10 emission. Journal of Cleaner Production, 253, 119867.
13. Wen, J.Q., Chuai, X.W.*, Li, S.C., Song, S., Li, Y.W., Wang, M.J., Wu, S.S. 2019. Spatial heterogeneity of the carbon emission effect resulting from urban expansion among three coastal agglomerations in China. Sustainability, 11, 4590.
14. Guo, X.M., Chuai, X.W.*, Huang, X.J. 2019. A land use/land cover based green development study for different functional regions in the Jiangsu province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 1277.
15. Yang, W.J., Zhao, R.Q.*, Chuai, X.W.*, Xiao, L.G., Cao, L.H., Zhang, Z.P., Yang, Q.L., Yao, L.G. 2019. China’s pathway to a low carbon economy. Carbon Balance and Management, 14, 14.
16. Chuai, X.W., Wen, J.Q., Zhuang, D.C., Guo, X.M., Yuan, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, M., Li, J.S. 2019. Intersection of physical and anthropogenic effects on land-use/land-cover changes in coastal China of Jiangsu province. Sustainability, 11,2370.
17. Chuai, X.W., Feng, J.X. 2019. High resolution carbon emissions simulation and spatial heterogeneity analysis based on big data in Nanjing City, China. Science of the Total Environment, 686, 828-837.
18. Chuai, X.W., Yuan, Y., Zhang, X.Y., Guo, X.M., Zhang, X.L., Xie, F.J., Zhao, R.Q., Li, J.B. 2019. Multiangle land use-linked carbon balance examination in Nanjing City, China. Land Use Policy, 84, 305-315.
19. Chuai, X.W., Qi, X.X., Zhang, X.Y., Li, J.S., Yuan, Y., Guo, X.M., Huang, X.J., Park, S., Zhao, R.Q., Xie, X.L., Feng, J.X., Tang, S.S., Zuo, T.H., Lu, J.Y., Li, J.B., Lv, X. 2018. Land degradation monitoring using terrestrial ecosystem carbon sinks/sources and their response to climate change in China. Land Degradation & Development, 29, 3489-3502.
20. Wen, J.Q., Chuai, X.W.*, Li, S.C., Song, S., Li, J.S.*, Guo, X.M., Yang, L. 2018. Spatial-temporal changes of soil respiration across China and the response to land cover and climate change. Sustainability, 10, 4604.
21. Zhang, X.Y., Chuai, X.W.*, Liu, L., Zhang, W.T., Lu, X.H., Zhao, L.M., Chen, D.M. 2018. Decadal trends in wet sulfur deposition in China estimated from OMI SO2 columns. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123, 10796-10811.
22. Zhao, R.Q., Liu, Y., Tian, M.M., Ding, M.L., Cao, L.H., Zhang, Z.P., Chuai, X.W.*, Xiao, L.G., Yao, L.G. 2018. Impacts of water and land resources exploitation on agricultural carbon emissions: The water-land-energy-carbon nexus. Land Use Policy, 72, 480-492.
23. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Qi, X.X., Li, J.S., Zuo, T.H., Lu, Q.L., Li, J.B., Wu, C.Y., Zhao, R.Q. 2016. A preliminary study of the carbon emissions reduction effects of land use control. Scientific Reports, 6, 36901.
24. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wu, C.Y., Li, J.B., Lu, Q.L., Qi, X.X., Zhang, M., Zuo, T.H., Lu, J.Y. 2016. Land use and ecosystems services value changes and ecological land management in coastal Jiangsu, China. Habitat International, 57, 164-174.
25. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Lu, Q.L., Zhang, M., Zhao, R.Q., Lu, J.Y. 2015. Spatiotemporal changes of built-up land expansion and carbon emissions caused by the Chinese construction industry. Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 13021-13030.
26. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wang, W.J., Zhao, R.Q., Zhang, M., Wu, C.Y. 2015. Land use, total carbon emission’s change and low carbon land management in Coastal Jiangsu, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103, 77-86.
27. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wang, W.J., Wu, C.Y., Zhao, R.Q. 2014. Spatial simulation of land Use based on terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage in coastal Jiangsu, China. Scientific Reports, 4, 5667.
28. Wang, W.J., Guo, H.C., Chuai, X.W.*, Dai, C., Lai, L., Zhang, M. 2014. The impact of land use change on the temporospatial variations of ecosystems services value in China and an optimized land use solution. Environmental Science & Policy, 44, 62-72.
29. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Lai, L., Wang, W.J., Peng, J.W., Zhao, R.Q. 2013. Land use structure optimization based on carbon storage in several regional terrestrial ecosystems across China. Environmental Science & Policy, 25, 50-61.
30. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wang, W.J., Bao, G. 2013. NDVI, temperature and precipitation changes and their relationships with different vegetation types during 1998-2007 in Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Climatology, 33, 1696-1706.
31. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wang, W.J., Wen, J.Q., Chen, Q., Peng, J.W. 2012. Spatial econometric analysis of carbon emissions from energy consumption in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 22, 630-642.
32. Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wang, W.J., Zhang, M., Lai, L., Liao, Q.L. 2012. Spatial variability of soil organic carbon and related factors in Jiangsu province, China. Pedosphere, 22, 404-414.
33. Chuai, X.W., Lai, L., Huang, X.J., Zhao, R.Q., Wang, W.J., Chen, Z.G. 2012. Temporospatial changes of carbon footprint based on energy consumption in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 22, 110-124.
34. Ji, X.P., Tong, D.Q., Cheng, L.S., Chuai, X.W., Mao, X.Y., Liu, B.L., Huang, X.J. 2021. Spatial analysis of citizens' environmental complaints in China: implications in environmental monitoring and governance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 9674.
35. Li, J.S., Chen, X.D., Townend, I., Shi, B.W., Du, J.B., Gao, J.H., Chuai, X.W., Gong, Z., Wang, Y.P. 2021. A comparison study on the sediment flocculation process between a bare tidal flat and a clam aquaculture mudflat: The important role of sediment concentration and biological processes. Marine Geology, 434, 106443.
36. Qi, X.X., Huang, X.J., Song, Y.Y., Chuai, X.W., Wu, C.Y., Wang, D.Y. 2021. The transformation and driving factors of multi-linkage embodied carbon emission in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Ecological Indicators, 126, 107622.
37. Song, S., Cao, Z., Wu, Z.F., Chuai, X.W. 2021. Spatial and temporal dynamics of surface water in China from the 1980s to 2015 based on remote sensing monitoring. Chinese Geographical Science.DOI:10.1007/s11769-021-1252-2.
38. Zhu, R.M., Zhao, R.Q., Sun, J., Xiao, L.G., Jiao, S.X., Chuai, X.W., Zhang, L.J., Yang, Q.L. 2021. Temporospatial pattern of carbon emission efficiency of China's energy-intensive industries and its policy implications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125507.
39. Wu, X.D., Zhang, X.Y., Chuai, X.W., Huang, X.J., Wang, Z. 2019. Long-term trends of atmospheric CH4 concentration across China from 2002 to 2016. Remote Sensing, 11, 538.
40. Feng, J.X., Tang, S.S., Chuai, X.W. 2018. The impact of neighbourhood environments on quality of life of elderly people: Evidence from Nanjing, China. Urban Studies, 55, 2020-2039.
41. Li, J.B., Huang, X.J., Kwan, M.P., Yang, H., Chuai, X.W. 2018. The effect of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 38-48.
42. Li, J.B., Huang, X.J., Yang, H., Chuai, X.W., Wu, C.Y. 2017. Convergence of carbon intensity in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Habitat International, 60, 58-68.
43. Lai, L., Huang, X.J., Yang, H., Chuai, X.W., Zhang, M., Zhong, T.Y., Chen, Z.G., Chen, Y., Wang, X., Thompson, J.R. 2016. Carbon emissions from land-use change and management in China between 1990 and 2010. Science Advances, 2, e1601063.
44. Li, J.B., Huang, X.J., Yang, H., Chuai, X.W., Li, Y., Qu, J.S., Zhang, Z.Q. 2016. Situation and determinants of household carbon emissions in Northwest China. Habitat International, 51, 178-187.
45. Lu, Q.L., Yang, H., Huang, X.J., Chuai, X.W., Wu, C.Y. 2015. Multi-sectoral decomposition in decoupling industrial growth from carbon emissions in the developed Jiangsu Province, China. Energy, 82, 414-425.
46. Zhang, M., Huang, X.J., Chuai, X.W., Yang, H., Lai, L., Tan, J.Z. 2015. Impact of land use type conversion on carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems of China: A spatial-temporal perspective. Scientific Reports, 5, 10233.
47. Zhao, R.Q., Huang, X.J., Liu, Y., Zhong, T.Y., Ding, M.L., Chuai, X.W. 2015. Carbon emission of regional land use and its decomposition analysis: Case study of Nanjing City, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 25, 198-212.
48. Zhao, R.Q., Huang, X.J., Liu, Y., Zhong, T.Y., Ding, M.L., Chuai, X.W. 2014. Urban carbon footprint and carbon cycle pressure: The case study of Nanjing. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 24, 159-176.
49. Zhao, R.Q., Huang, X.J., Zhong, T.Y., Liu, Y., Chuai, X.W. 2014. Carbon flow of urban system and its policy implications: The case of Nanjing. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 33, 589-601.
1. 揣小伟,高润艺,李建豹,赵荣钦,卢月.中国PM2.5排放/浓度时空变化及区域公平性分析[J].长江流域资源与环境,2021,30(11):2693-2702.
2. 揣小伟,黄贤金,王婉晶,孙宇杰.社会经济与水环境质量协调发展研究[J].生态经济,2012(07):57-61+69.
3. 揣小伟,黄贤金,许益林.农村集体建设用地基准地价初步研究——以安徽省良玉村为例[J].经济地理,2012,32(02):121-126.
4. 揣小伟,黄贤金,郑泽庆,张梅,廖启林,赖力,卢俊宇.江苏省土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳储量的影响[J].资源科学,2011,33(10):1932-1939.
5. 揣小伟,黄贤金,赖力,张梅.基于GIS的土壤有机碳储量核算及其对土地利用变化的响应[J].农业工程学报,2011,27(09):1-6.
6. 揣小伟,黄贤金,王倩倩,钟太洋.基于信息熵的中国能源消费动态及其影响因素分析[J].资源科学,2009,31(08):1280-1285.
7. 揣小伟,黄贤金,王倩倩.基于循环经济的区域土地可持续利用评价研究——以江苏省为例[J].江西农业大学学报,2009,31(01):166-172.
8. 郭晓敏,揣小伟*,张梅,梁华石,李建豹,左天惠.扬子江城市群土地利用时空变化及其对陆地生态系统碳储量的影响[J].长江流域资源与环境,2019,28(02):269-280.
9. 张梅,黄贤金,揣小伟*.中国城市碳排放核算及影响因素研究[J].生态经济,2019,35(09):13-19+74.
10. 赵荣钦,余娇,肖连刚,孙锦,罗慧丽,杨文娟,揣小伟,焦士兴.基于“水-能-碳”关联的城市水系统碳排放研究[J].地理学报,2021,76(12):3119-3134.
11. 李建豹,黄贤金,揣小伟,孙树臣.江苏省人口城镇化与能源消费CO2排放耦合协调度时空格局及影响因素[J].经济地理,2021,41(05):57-64.
12. 李建豹,黄贤金,揣小伟,孙树臣.基于碳排放总量和强度约束的碳排放配额分配研究[J].干旱区资源与环境,2020,34(12):72-77.
13. 王帅,赵荣钦,杨青林,肖连刚,杨文娟,余娇,朱瑞明,揣小伟,焦士兴.碳排放约束下的农业生产效率及其空间格局——基于河南省65个村庄的调查[J].自然资源学报,2020,35(09):2092-2104.
14. 李建豹,黄贤金,揣小伟,孙树臣.长三角地区碳排放效率时空特征及影响因素分析[J].长江流域资源与环境,2020,29(07):1486-1496.
15. 余娇,赵荣钦,肖连刚,张林静,王帅,揣小伟,韩雨承,焦士兴.基于“水-能-碳”关联的城市污水处理系统碳排放研究[J].资源科学,2020,42(06):1052-1062.
16. 张梅,黄贤金,揣小伟,解宪丽,朱振宇,汪煜.中国净生态系统生产力空间分布及变化趋势研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2020,36(02):69-74.
17. 李建豹,黄贤金,孙树臣,揣小伟.长三角地区城市土地与能源消费CO2排放的时空耦合分析[J].地理研究,2019,38(09):2188-2201.
18. 张梅,黄贤金,揣小伟,朱振宇,汪煜.胡焕庸线两侧城镇建设用地变化及其碳排放差异[J].资源科学,2019,41(07):1262-1273.
19. 赵荣钦,黄贤金,揣小伟.中国土地利用碳排放的研究误区和未来趋向[J].中国土地科学,2016,30(12):83-92.
20. 赵荣钦,刘英,李宇翔,丁明磊,张战平,揣小伟,焦士兴.区域碳补偿研究综述:机制、模式及政策建议[J].地域研究与开发,2015,34(05):116-120.
21. 吴常艳,黄贤金,揣小伟,徐国良,於冉,李丽.基于EIO-LCA的江苏省产业结构调整与碳减排潜力分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2015,25(04):43-51.
22. 张梅,章志,黄贤金,谈俊忠,赖力,揣小伟.基于GIS和RS的土地利用碳收支核算模块设计与开发[J].测绘通报,2014(02):101-103.
23. 赵荣钦,黄贤金,钟太洋,揣小伟.区域土地利用结构的碳效应评估及低碳优化[J].农业工程学报,2013,29(17):220-229.
24. 张梅,赖力,黄贤金,揣小伟,谈俊忠.中国区域土地利用类型转变的碳排放强度研究[J].资源科学,2013,35(04):792-799.
25. 王婉晶,揣小伟,黄贤金,陈志刚,钟太洋,李丽.基于空间吻合性的土地利用总体规划实施评价方法及应用[J].农业工程学报,2013,29(04):1-14+296.
26. 赵荣钦,黄贤金,钟太洋,揣小伟.南京市不同土地利用方式的碳储量与碳通量[J].水土保持学报,2012,26(06):164-170.
27. 王婉晶,揣小伟,黄贤金,郭怀成.中国土地利用规划实施评价研究进展与展望[J].中国土地科学,2012,26(11):91-96.
28. 赵荣钦,陈志刚,黄贤金,钟太洋,揣小伟,赖力,张墨逸.南京大学土地利用碳排放研究进展[J].地理科学,2012,32(12):1473-1480.
29. 王婉晶,赵荣钦,揣小伟,高珊.绿色南京城市建设评价指标体系研究[J].地域研究与开发,2012,31(02):62-66.
30. 徐慧,黄贤金,姚丽,揣小伟,赵荣钦,高珊.江阴市电力行业用地集约利用评价[J].中国土地科学,2010,24(01):43-49.
31. 王倩倩,黄贤金,张兴榆,刘欣,揣小伟.山东省城市土地集约利用水平时空变化研究[J].山东农业大学学报(自然科学版),2009,40(04):528-534.
32. 王倩倩,黄贤金,陈志刚,谭丹,揣小伟.我国一次能源消费的人均碳排放重心移动及原因分析[J].自然资源学报,2009,24(05):833-841.

