2023-05-11 10:24
  • 伊日布斯
  • 伊日布斯 - 教授 -昆明理工大学-生命科学与技术学院-个人资料




1990年毕业于内蒙古师范大学生物系,同年就职于内蒙古林学院(现内蒙古农业大学)任教至1994年。1996-2001年间在日本京都府立大学先后攻读微生物学硕士和博士学位,2001- 2008年间在日本经历了研究员、讲师等职。2008年4月作为云南省高端人才引进到昆明理工大学生命科学与技术学院,建立了“生物转化”研究室,担任课题组组长。


1.微生物代谢工程 2. 微生物发酵生理学 3.微生物生态学


1.Tanaka TS, Irbis Chagan*, Kumagai H, Inamura T. Timing of harvest of Phragmites australis (CAV.) Trin. ex Steudel affects subsequent canopy structure and nutritive value of roughage in subtropical highland. J Environ Manage. 2016, 166:420-8. 2.Amachika Y, Anzai H, Wang L, Oishi K, Irbis Chagan, Li K, Kumagai H, Inamura T, Hirooka H. Estimation of potassium and magnesium flows in animal production in Dianchi Lake basin, China. Anim Sci J. 2016, 87(7):938-46. 3.Anzai H, Wang L, Oishi K, Irbis Chagan, Li K, Kumagai H, Inamura T, Hirooka H. Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus flows in livestock production in Dianchi Lake basin, China. Anim Sci J. 2016, 87(1):37-45. 4.Jinping Yan, Zhilei Wei, Qiaoping Wang, Manman He, Shumei Li, Chagan Irbis*. Bioethanol production from sodium hydroxide/hydrogen peroxide-pretreated water hyacinth via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation with a newly isolated thermotolerant Kluyveromyces marxianu strain. Bioresource technology, 2015, 193: 103-109. 5.Jinping Yan, Yuhui Chen, Jiezhen Niu, Daidi Chen, Chagan Irbis*. Laccase produced by a thermotolerant strain of Trametes trogii LK13. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2015, 46: 59-65. 6.Tanaka T, Chagan Irbis*, Wang P, et al. Impact of plant harvest management on function and community structure of nitrifiers and denitrifiers in a constructed wetland. FEMS microbiology ecology, 2015, 91(2): 1-10. 7.Yuta Amachika, Hiroki Anzai, Lin Wang, Kazato Oishi, Chagan Irbis, KunZhi Li, Hajime Kumagai, Tatsuya Inamura and Hiroyuki Hirooka. Concentrations of Cadmium and Lead in Milk and Feed in Dairy Farms in a Region Located in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Trace Nutrients Research, 2014, 31: 45-50. 8.Jinping Yan, Daidi Chen, En Yanga, Jiezhen Niua, Yuhui Chen, Chagan Irbis*. Purification and characterization of a thermotolerant laccase isoform in Trametes trogii strain and its potential in dye decolorization. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 93: 186-194. 9.Jinping Yan, Jiezhen Niu, Daidi Chen, Yuhui Chen, Chagan Irbis*. Screening of Trametes strains for efficient decolorization of malachite green at high temperatures and ionic concentrations. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 87: 109-115. 10.Shang Shu-Mei, Qian L, Zhang Xu, Li Kun-Zhi, Chagan Irbis*. Themoanaerobacterium calidifontis sp. nov., a novel anaerobic, thermophilic, ethanol-producing bacterium from hot springs in China. Archives of microbiology, 2013, 195(6):439-45. 11.Hiroki ANZAI, Kazato OISHI, KunZhi LI, Chagan Irbis, Hiroyuki HIRAOOKA, Tatsuya INAMURA and Hajime KUMAGAI., Dietary nitrate loads on cows in dairy farms near Lake Dian, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Trace Nutrients Research. 2011, 28 : 54-57 12.Chagan Irbis, Rosa Garriga, Asami Kabasawa, and Kazunari Ushida., Phylogenetic analysis on Troglodytella abrassarti isolated from Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the wild and in captivity. The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 2008, 54:409-413 13.Kohji Miyazaki, Chagan Irbis*, Takada J, Matsuura A., An ability of isolated strains to efficiently cooperate in ethanolic fermentation of agricultural plant refuse under initially aerobic thermophilic conditions: oxygen deletion process appended to consolidated bioprocessing (CBP). Bioresource technology. 2008, 99(6):1768-75. 14.Chagan Irbis and Kazunari Ushida., Detection of methanogens and proteobacteria from a single cell of rumen ciliate protozoa. The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 2004, 50: 203-212. 15.Mitsunori Tokura, Chagan Irbis, Kazunari Ushida, Yoichi Kojima., Phylogenetic study of methanogens associated with rumen ciliates. Current Microbiology. 1999, 39: 123-128. 16.Chagan Irbis, Mitsunori Tokura., Jean-Pierre Jouany, Kazunari Ushida. Detection of methanogenic archaea associated with rumen ciliate protozoa. The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 1999, 45: 305-308. 17.申冬玲, 尚淑梅, 伊日布斯*, 等. ack 基因敲除对 Thermoanaerobacterium calidifontis Rx1发酵代谢的影响. 中国生物工程杂志, 2015, 35(7):37-44. 18.邰宏博, 唐丽薇, 伊日布斯*, 等. 褐藻胶寡糖制备的研究进展. 生命科学研究, 2015, 19(1): 75-79. 19.魏治镭, 尚淑梅, 伊日布斯*, 等. 离子液体预处理木质纤维素的研究进展. 化工新型材料, 2014, 4: 011. 20.唐丽薇, 尚淑梅, 伊日布斯*, 等. 褐藻生物乙醇的研究进展. 生命科学, 2014, 26(002): 188-193.

