2023-05-11 07:37
  • 薛江红
  • 薛江红 - 教授 博士生导师-暨南大学-力学与建筑工程学院-个人资料




教授,博士,博士生导师。1998年获得美国The University of Akron大学全额奖学金,前往该校机械系攻读固体力学博士学位,2001年获颁“John F. Harvey Pressure Vessel Medal” 奖章,美国Tau Beta Pi协会会员资格, 2002年获博士学位。近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家基金重大项目子课题,广东省自然科学基金,教育部留学人员回国基金项目等4项,并以第一作者或通讯作者在国际期刊Composite Structures,Journal of Applied Mechanics—ASME Transaction, European Journal of Mechanics – A Solids, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Engineering Structures, Ocean Engineering, Thin-walled Structures, Marine Structures,Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology——ASME Transaction以及国内权威期刊Applied Mathematics and Mechanics和Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica发表SCI论文十多篇。
1998年9月—2002年5月美国The University of Akron博士
不均匀厚度,长圆形薄壳受静载外压作用的结构失效(Structural Failure of Non-uniform,Infinitely Long Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Hydrostatic External Pressure)。美国The University of Akron, 参与(1998-2002 主持人:Michelle S. Hoo Fatt)。
A356铸铝合金双层夹芯复合结构承受冲击极限的估算(Estimating Ballistic Limit of A356 Aluminum Lattice Block)。美国Ohio 宇航研究所。参与(1998-2002 主持人:Michelle S. Hoo Fatt)。




1、刘人怀,薛江红. 复合材料层合板壳非线性力学的研究进展. 力学学报. 2017:49(3)
2、Jianghong Xue*, Yiou Wang, Ding Yuan. A shear deformation theory for bending and buckling of underseasandwich pipes. Compo. Struct. 2015;132:633-643.
3、Jianghong Xue*. Local buckling in infinitely, long cylindrical shells subjected uniform external pressure. Thin-wall Struct 2012;53:211-16.
4、Mingqiao Tang, Jianghong Xue*, Hong Yuan, Renhuai Liu. Macro-micro Analysis for Anti-penetrating Postbuckling of T300/QY8911Carbon FiberReinforced, Deboned Laminates with Contact Effects. I J Appl. Mech. 2014;6:1450044-1—1450044-24. (1.624)
5、Mingqiao Tang, Jianghong Xue*, Renhuai Liu. A Global Energy Approach for Analysis of a Propagating Buckle in Submarine Pipelines. ASME J Offshore Mech & Arctics Eng. 2014;136:041701-1—041701-8.
6、Jianghong Xue*, Neng Gan. A comprehensive study on a propagating bucklein externally pressurized pipelines. J Mech Sci Tech 2014;28 (12):4907~4919.
7、Jianghong Xue*, Ding Yuan, Feng Han, Renhuai Liu. An extension of Karman-Donnell’s theory for non-shallow, long cylindrical shells undergoing large deflection. Europ J Mech- A/Solids, 2013;37: 329-335.
8、Jianghong Xue*. Post-Buckling Analysisof the Length of Transition Zonein a Buckle Propagating Pipeline. J Appl Mech-- ASME 2013;80:051002doi: 10.1115/1.4023535.
9、Jianghong Xue*, Qingzi Luo, Feng Han, Renhuai Liu. Two dimensional analyses of delamination buckling of symmetrically cross-ply, rectangular laminates. Appl Math Mech 2013; 34(5):597-612.
10、Jianghong Xue*, Li Zi, Hong Yuan, Renhuai Liu. Contactanalysis for fiber reinforced, delaminated laminates with kinematic nonlinearity. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2013; 26(4): 388-402.
11、Jianghong Xue*,Asymptotic Analysis for Buckling of Undersea Corroded Pipelines. ASME Transaction—Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 2008;130(May):
12、Jianghong Xue*. A nonlinear finite element analysis of buckle propagation in subsea corroded pipelines. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2006;42(14-15): 1211 – 1219(Oct. 2006).
13、Xue, J.*, and Hoo Fatt, M. S. Symmetric and anti-symmetric buckle propagation modes in subsea corroded pipelines. Marine Structures 2005;18:43-61.
14、Xue ,J., and Hoo Fatt, M.S.*Buckling of a non-uniform, long cylindrical shell subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. Engineering Structures 2002;24: 1027–1034.
15、Xue, J., and Hoo Fatt, M. S.*Buckle propagation in pipelines with non-uniform thickness. Ocean Engineering 2001;28(10): 1383-1392 (OCT 2001).
16、Xue, J., and Hoo Fatt, M. S.*Post-buckling of a non-uniform ring subjected to uniform external pressure. Thin-walled Structures 2001;39: 327–351.
17、Hoo Fatt, M. S.*, and Xue, J. Propagating buckles in corroded pipelines. Marine Structures 2001;14: 571–592.
18、Xue J*, Buckling of pipelines with inconstant corrosion subjected to hydrostatic external pressure.In the Proceedings of 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 23 - 27 2006, Vancouver, Canada.
19、Hoo Fatt MS.*, Liu Y and Xue J,Steady-State Buckle Propagation in Corroded Pipeline. In the Proceedings of the 10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA, Volume II, 2000, pp. 197-204.
20、刘述伦,薛江红*,王璠,刘人怀。含脱层纤维增强复合材料层合板在湿热环境下的屈曲分析. 工程力学。2015;32(3):1-8
21、刘述伦,薛江红*,王璠. 纤维增强正交各向异性复合材料层合板的湿热屈曲。暨南大学学报(自然科学版),2013,34卷第5期,489-494
22、林积新,薛江红*. 深海保温输油管后屈曲及屈曲传播的有限元分析. 力学季刊. 2016;37 (3):590-598.
现为中国力学学会会员, 广州欧美同学会理事, 广东省力学学会理事,国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,广东省自然科学基金同行评议专家,国际期刊《Finite Elements in Analysis and Design》,《International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping》等国际期刊审稿人。

