2023-05-10 21:58
  • 马松雅
  • 马松雅 - 副教授-河南大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




2007.09-2010.06, 博士, 北京邮电大学, 信号与信息处理专业
2002.09-2005.06, 硕士, 河南大学, 应用数学专业
1998.09-2002.07, 学士, 河南大学, 数学教育专业
2012.12至今, 河南大学, 副教授
2007.12-2012.11, 河南大学, 讲师
2005.07-2007.11, 河南大学, 助教
1. SongYa Ma, Cong Gao, MingXing Luo, Efficient schemes of joint remote preparation with a passive receiver via EPR pairs, Chinese Physics B, 24 (2015), 110308. 获河南省第四届自然科学学术奖三等奖
2. SongYa Ma, MingXing Luo, XiuBo Chen, YiXian Yang, Schemes for remotely preparing an arbitrary four-qubit chi-state,Quantum Information Processing,13 (2014), 951-1965. 获河南省第三届自然科学学术奖三等奖
3. SongYa Ma, MingXing Luo, Ying Sun, Deterministic assisted clone of an unknown four- particle entangled cluster-type state, Chinese Physics B, 22 (2013), 11030. 获河南省第三届自然科学学术奖三等奖
4. SongYa Ma, XiuBo Chen, MingXing Luo, Ru Zhang, YiXian Yang. Remote preparation of a four-particle entangled cluster-type state, Optics Communications, 284 (2011), 4088-4093. 获河南省第二届自然科学学术奖一等奖
5. 2017-2018年度获河南大学教学质量竞赛一等奖




[1] SongYa Ma, Cong Gao, Pei Zhang, et al. Deterministic remote preparation via the Brown state, Quantum Information Processing 16 (2017), 93. (SCI)
[2] SongYa Ma, WeiLin Chen, ZhiGuo Qu, et al. Controlled remote preparation of an arbitrary four-qubit chi state via partially entangled channel, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56 (2017), 1653–1664. (SCI)
[3] SongYa Ma, Cong Gao, MingXing Luo, Efficient schemes of joint remote preparation with a passive receiver via EPR pairs, Chinese Physics B 24 (2015), 110308 . (SCI)
[4] MingXing Luo, SongYa Ma, XiuBo Chen, et al. Hybrid Toffoli gate on photons and quantum spins, Scientific Reports 5 (2015), 16716. (SCI)
[5] MingXing Luo, SongYa Ma, XiuBo Chen, et al. Hybrid quantum state joining and splitting assisted by quantum dots in one-side optical microcavities, Physics Review A 91 (2015), 042326. (SCI)
[6] SongYa Ma, MingXing Luo, XiuBo Chen, et al., Schemes for remotely preparing an arbitrary four-qubit chi-state, Quantum Information Processing 13 (2014), 1951-1965. (SCI)
[7] SongYa Ma, MingXing Luo, Efficient remote preparation of arbitrary two- and three- qubit states via the chi-state, Chinese Physics B 23 (2014) 090308. (SCI)
[8] SongYa Ma, MingXing Luo, Sun Ying. Deterministic assisted clone of an unknown four-particle entangled cluster-type state, Chinese Physics B 22 (2013), 110304. (SCI)
[9] SongYa Ma, Ping Tang, MingXing Luo. Schemes for remotely preparing Brown-type entangled state, International Journal of Quantum Information 11 (2013), 1350042. (SCI)
[10] SongYa Ma, XiuBo Chen, MingXing Luo, et al. Remote preparation of a four-particle entangled cluster-type state, Optics Communications 284 (2011), 4088-4093. (SCI)
[11] SongYa Ma, XiuBo Chen, MingXing Luo, et al. Probabilistic quantum network coding of M-qudit states over the butterfly network, Optics Communications 283 (2010) 497-501. (SCI)
[12] SongYa Ma, XiuBo Chen, M.X. Luo, et al. Faithful clone of an unknown two-particle entangled state with assistance, International Journal of Quantum Information 8 (2010), 913-921. (SCI)

